I fell in love with Usher Raymond chapter 31

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This man meant so much to me I just loved everything about him the way he would talk to me the way he would treat me his mother was crazy about me I couldn't wait till our wedding day we had two months the plan for a wedding the wedding was getting closer. Usher was excited he really wasn't nervous because he had been married twice before but this time he felt that it was different he felt like it should have been the first time when he got married but it didn't happen but now that he's met me his dreams truly came true. And he's the happiest he's ever been the next morning mom came over to the house and Usher had went to the studio to work on his new album Mon and I sat at the table discussing plans for the wedding . Mom I'm kind of concerned about some things what do you mean Barbara well it's about my friend Chelsea she's acting really weird and I believe she's jealous because of sure and I are going to get married she have made some statements that I didn't really approve of and she's been acting weird lately and she's been tearing up the house and I had I told her not to ever do it again she apologized but just didn't feel like she really meant it especially when she promised me she would never do it again but then last night Usher and I were upstairs in the bedroom and we heard a strange noise I come out the door and she's out in the hallway I believe she was listening to mine and usher's conversation. Wow that is kind of strange ain't it yeah cuz she's never did this before I don't know what it is she won't really tell me. Do you think she might be trying to break my relationship up with Usher. I know that Usher loves me and I believe he would not fall for something like her even though she is a very pretty woman though she's my friend but Mom I'm just worried I'm afraid she's trying to break us up. Barbara this is what you do you stand your ground girl you don't let no woman come in between you and your man you understand me yes ma'am I understand I know you love my son and I really love you as a daughter you're one of the best women that I've known that ushers has ever dated or went with it happened to be that you're an older woman not the age is not what's important it's the woman and how she treats my son and I know you treat my son with the most respect. And that's what I love about you cuz when I first seen you I knew that you were going to be the one that my son was going to spend the rest of his life with all you got to do is accept him for who he is I do I accept usher because he never got to be who he wanted to be when he was with those other women yeah you're right. Yeah the mother women made him feel like he was Goofy crazy but my son loves to be himself he just wants somebody to love him for him ever he is look Mom I have to say this I love us not because he's rich I don't want none of his money I have money on my own but the thing of it is my money is his money cuz I share it with him but he doesn't even really know how much I have it's not about how much I have it's about being together as a family being together a couple United as one. Yep you're right about that dear. Barbara what you need to do is just keep a close eye on Chelsea watch her every move to see if she tries to flirt with Usher or anything like that. Yes I sure will I'm going to keep a close eye on her. Usher  will let you know if she's trying to put any kind of seductive suggestions toward him I know she is all hell's going to break loose and she better watch out cuz she's messing with my man. That's right. And I'll have your back also. Thanks Mom you're welcome love. We started discussing about the wedding we got everything together we have to get the invitations out do you got the list yes honey I do I have the list with me will start writing them out and send them sending them off yes I can't believe it he'll be here before you know it yep it sure will and I can't wait to have you as my daughter-in-law I already feel that you're like a daughter to me thank you and I feel like your mother to me I thank you so much for welcoming me into your family girl you are already family today I met you LOL oh thank you ters we're rolling down my eyes Barb are you all right sweetie don't cry they're not sad tears Mom they're happy tears I'm happy and I just like wow you know I can't believe it. Say did Usher tell you where we were going on our honeymoon. Well yes he did but he said for me not to tell you cuz it's a surprise oh my goodness another surprise wow I can't believe it well I'm glad that it's a surprise. If that means I'm going to have to wonder where we're going on our honeymoon. Trust me it's a beautiful place and  also picked it out because someone had mentioned it to him a while back where they would love to go. I wound up with the strangest look on my face after she had said that. That's weird I thought to myself. Oh well I know wherever it's going to be it's going to be beautiful cuz I'm going to be with my husband and I'm finally going to be Mrs Usher Raymond. And that's what I really understood what love was truly about. The wedding was getting closer we had already sent out the invitations to invite everybody the gowns were already made Chelsea's maid of honor gown was already made we went to the bridal shop to do another fitting before the  day came. I was so excited about the wedding coming up soon. Two more weeks and the wedding was about to happen. Meanwhile Usher was planning on introducing Jason to Chelsea. It going to be Beautiful.my. Wedding Day. Everything is all set. I thought she was on the phone with Jason trying to get him to come out with us for tonight we're going out for a couple of drinks. And for Chelsea to get to know Jason a little bit more.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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