I fell in love with Usher Raymond chapter 2

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Me and Chelsea was just standing there watching him perform his body looked so hot I had to get a grip I felt like a teenager again. But here I am a 62-year-old woman and I'm in love with a 43 year old man and I'm just like wow. Usher had been singing several songs the concert had been going on for at least over an hour it was getting close to the finale for Usher would pick a woman out of the audience. I was thinking to myself I don't think he'd pick me really seriously. Chelsea looked at me and said girl I think he's going to pick you. I screamed saying how do you know he's going to pick me Chelsea. She said I just got that feeling girl I got that feeling. It was time for the grand finale Usher was getting ready to pick a woman out of the audience and the song he was getting ready to sing was you got a bad. Has he was looking all around the stadium the women were screaming hollering and the more he teased with them the more they yelled and screamed and got louder. Then his eyes glance down at me and I looked up at him and smiled but then I covered my face and he looked at me and as I opened my eyes again he held his finger out and pointed at me and motioned me to come to him. Oh my gosh Barb I told you that he was going to pick you girl. I couldn't believe my eyes his bodyguard came down to to get me. I was blushing.
I couldn't believe that Usher Raymond picked me to come up on stage with him. If I got up on stage he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. He looked into my eyes and smiled he was looking at me up and down even though I was a big woman it didn't seem to matter to him all he saw was beautiful and lovely. He asked me who I was and I told him he said whispered in my ear after the concert I'm having it after party at the hotel I want you to come and be my guest. Really yes I want you to come do you have anybody with you yes I have my friend Chelsea okay bring her too. All right I'm going to kiss you now I hope you enjoy it. I was so nervous I could not believe my eyes this man was going to kiss me his kiss was so soft and tender my nerves my legs everything in my body started to quiver I feel the sensation that I've never felt before. After he got done kissing me he grabbed my hand and took me backstage he told me to stay here I'll let my security guard know that you're going to be my guest tonight so you'll have to wear a pass. Wow I couldn't believe my eyes I'm actually going to see us your perform on stage watching from back. The women were screaming. Usher told his security see that woman in the front row there with the beautiful flower dress on give her this piece of paper and let her know not to leave she is too accompany me and Barbara to the after party at the hotel.

The concert was almost over and Usher was getting ready to do his last two songs as I watched from backstage I saw this man just make me melt inside. I was so nervous and I didn't know what to do but I had to be myself. Cuz if I wasn't myself then I would probably make a terrible blunder and I feel real stupid. And embarrass myself.


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