I fell in love with Usher Raymond chapter 17

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Usher and JD was still at the studio Usher was singing a few songs to catch up. His album was almost done. Usher was sitting in the chair thinking what he could write the lyrics to a song. Sitting there singing and couldn't even concentrate. Usher's phone rang he looked at it and it was Ashley again. Oh man what's wrong man what's going on. Ashley's calling me again hold on man let me answer the phone. No man I got this I can handle it
Usher. Hello
Ashley Usher I need to speak to you where are you. Look you need to leave me alone Ashley I don't want to be with you don't you understand that I have my girlfriend and I'm not going to let you or no one try to ruin it for me. Look I don't want this no more than you do but the simple fact is I'm pregnant with your child and I want to know what you going to do about it. What do you want me to do about it Ashley do you want me to give you money I can give you 5 million house that. Is that what you think I want you for is your money are you crazy. I want to Be with You Usher. Well I'm sorry that's not going to happen because I made a big mistake of that night when we made love. It was just one night stand with you that's all I wanted. No I'm not letting you go Usher you can't do this to me. You got to give me a chance and you got to make up your mind what you want to do. Or I will be going to see your lady and tell her what happened. What look you better not even come near my girl. I've already been over your house once I knocked on your door and you wasn't there but she answered. Ashley you did what you come to my house. Yeah I did. Look I'm sorry I love my girl and I don't want to lose her so please don't go over there don't talk too my girl. Please Ashley I'm begging you I never asked a woman before like this but I'm in love . Ashley had a little secret. She was trying to keep it from him but eventually he was going to figure it out. Find an usher if that's the way you want it. I won't spill the beans to your precious girlfriend. Ashley I'll give you money if that's what you want me to do. No I don't want none of your money. I guess I'll just have to raise this child on my own. You know you can always give it up for adoption if you can't raise it. Are you crazy I would never get this baby up for adoption it's a part of us. Yeah that's what you say but I don't want no part of it. I mean it's not the baby's fault I just feel like this should have never happened. I'm going to get off the phone now and I want you to make up your mind what you going to do. What do you mean Ashley make up my mind what I'm going to do I already told you I'm not getting with you okay. As he said that she hung her head down was crying sobbing on the phone I can't believe you would do this to me I thought that you loved me. Ashley I don't even know you you were just a one-night stand how can I fall in love with you when I'm in love with my girl I love my woman. And I plan on marrying.her one day soon. Usher I'll make a deal with you I won't never call you again. Wow you changed your mind that quick. Well it just goes to show that I can't have you so why am I trying to get something I can't have. All right Ashley well I hope that you do the right thing.I. Won't too well do it Ashley. Please don't Brake my Heart. I'm. Finely.
Happy for once.in my life.
Yeah. I. Know but. What. About me. You. Can. Fine a. Good man.yeah. Ok usher. I .let you. Go. Have a good life.be. With .your. Lady. thank you.can we .be. Friends . well..I. Don't think that would be. A. Good idea.
Oh ok then. Would. You .be. In .the . baby's life. I. Don't think. So.
Not to be mean Ashley but I love my girl and I wouldn't feel right to have you call me and talk about your friend. Usher can I ask you one thing. Sure what is it. When you kind of keep a check on me. I know what we can do usher. Usher had a concern look on his face after she said that look I can pretend I'm your cousin and. She won't know nothing about us or anything could happen between us. I don't know Ashley I think that would be a wrong thing to do. That would still be like a lying to her.. yeah actually that would be lying to her and I don't want that to happen. Usher I'm tired I don't want to play games no more I just want a man to love me. I know what you mean Ashley. Don't worry you will find someone one day someone will truly love you for who you are. Yeah but I just wish it would have been you. Maybe in another place and then another time if it would have happened yeah but it's not meant for us it's meant for me and my Barbara to be together. Wel Ashley I got to. You take care of yourself here
I'll try Usher I'll think about you. Don't think about me like that okay 😂. Usher hung up the the phone hey Ash JD said yeah man what's up who is that it was Ashley what man are you crazy. No seriously man we talked she's not going to say nothing she said she doesn't want to hurt me.so. she's easily going to give up on you yeah apparently she is I don't understand why. You know what Usher. what's going on. What do you mean JD. I don't even think she's pregnant with your baby I think she's pregnant with someone other guys baby. You think. Yeah I do think. She's just trying to pin it on you. Probably because the other dude dumped her. She's not a bad looking woman JD yeah I know I saw her. Hold on JD my phone's ringing it's my girl hello baby what's up. Hey usher when you coming home baby. I'll be coming home in about 20 minutes okay all right. I'm getting really hungry. Did you ask Charlie to fix you something to eat . Yeah I asked him and he gave me some cheese and crackers and some lunch meat. Oh wow are you kidding me. No baby I'm I'm going to have to have a talk with him when I get home don't do that he's tired he had to lay down he said he wasn't feeling good. Oh I hope he's doing okay. Yeah me too. All right baby I'm getting ready to come home I'll see you soon I love you. I love you too Usher Raymond IV. Usher smiled when he heard me tell him that I love him. I love her too but I just can't let anyone hurt us or tear us apart he was thinking to himself. Honey are you ready let's get ready to go out for dinner. Let me call and make reservations for lachaise . He called and made reservations for 8:00. Come on sweetheart let's go we got a reservations for 8:00 tonight for lashay's restaurant. I've never been there before. I've heard of it but I didn't know. Girl you're going to love this food it's down to earth soul food anything you want you can have it. My kind of food my kind of restaurant. As I went out the door and he got in front of me and opened the door for me to let me in. He made sure I was in safely then he shut the door. As we were getting ready to drive off and go down to the bottom of the driveway I noticed Usher had a real funny look on his face. Sweetheart what's going on you look so distraught. You look like you got something on your mind. Oh it's nothing sweetheart I'm just so dagged on upset because this album is not finished yet. As I was at the studio this morning I couldn't really think it kind of upset me I tried to concentrate on the songs that I was working on. My mind went blank. Oh I'm sorry sweetheart that happened to you thank you baby I appreciate that I'll get back to it soon. Usher's phone rang as we were driving. Oh no not again Usher said. Hello. Yeah Usher what you doing. Well I'm getting ready to take my girl out for dinner what you doing. I need to speak to you man you got a problem. No everything's fine. Not really have you looked at the news lately. No what's going on it seems apparently that your girl the one you got pregnant. Was on the news. And reported that she was the father of a child. Oh my gosh no. When Usher had heard that he stopped abruptly His wheels squealed. Hey man let me call you back okay I'm almost at the restaurant. okay!!. Honey what's the matter is everything okay. Yeah everything's all right Usher was really nervous by this time. I don't know how this happened he thought to himself. Ashley told me she was going to let me go and then she wasn't going to call me no trouble. I don't know what to do now. The phone rang again and it was usher's mom.. hello. Hi son how you doing. Not good mom did you see the news she asked. No I didn't see the news but JD just informed me. Where you at. Me and Barbara are going out to eat at lachey's. Okay after you get done eating son I need to speak to you I want you to come home so we can talk we need to take care of this matter before Barbara finds out. Yes Mom I understand I'll be there after I eat okay I love you. I love you too Mom. We finally arrived at the restaurant went in and the major deed looked at me and Usher and said come on in he picked up two menus. And took us to our seat. The place was so gorgeous I couldn't believe my eyes I've never ate here before and I was so excited that Usher and I were going to eat it a real beautiful romantic restaurant. Oh my goodness Usher this place is beautiful. Yeah it sure is. I've never ate here before but I did hear that the food here was excellent. Yes very good now if you don't know what you want I can help you pick it out okay. Yeah that would be great. Do you eat here often. Yeah I do especially when I'm tired and can't get home fast enough to eat something that Charles has fixed for me. As we were sitting there my phone rang it was Chelsea. Hello Chelsea. Hey girl what you doing. I'm at dinner with us sure we're at lachey's getting ready to order. Oh that's good. What's wrong chels. Ain't nothing wrong I was just wondering where you was I was worried about you. Oh okay well what are you going to do. I don't know maybe sit here watch a movie. That sounds good usher's got a lot of great movies to watch. Yeah I know. All right well I got to let you go I hope you guys have a great time think About me don't forget about. Me I won't forget about you Chelsea I love you girl. I love you too Barbara. After I hung up the phone I thought to myself Chelsea didn't seem herself she sounded really strange on the phone like she knew something.


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