I fell in love with Usher Raymond chapter 13

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Usher grabbed her hand and helped her out of the car as she was smiling. He looked at me and put his hands around my waist and started going for the door he opened the door up he said ladies. As he moved aside to let us in. Chelsea was going straight upstars. To the guest bedroom. Usher was right behind me as I was walking up the steps. He smacked my butt again. Oh. I said. Oh you like that don't you as he was laughing. Yes I do I can't not admit that I don't like it. As we approach the bedroom Usher return the lights down low. He grabbed me . And brought me close to him kissing me putting his hands over my hair running his fingers through it. Looking into my eyes and tell me how much he loved me. Sweetheart you looked beautiful tonight I was very impressed. Really. Yes really I can't believe that you and I have the same taste in clothes and we have a lot in common Barbara. I know I sure we do. Babe I'm going to take a shower I'll be out in 10 minutes when you get done I'll go in and take mine. I had an idea. What. Usher eyes got big. How about we take a shower together we can save on the water. Usher scratched his head and had to think for a minute. Honey are you okay I said. Yeah I'm fine but I can't believe you suggested that. Well I am I just need to reassure myself that you're very secure with me. Yeah babe. Yeah you don't have to take a shower with me if you really don't want to. Oh no I do why you think I suggested it for wow baby you make me feel good. We both hoped in the shower as I took my clothes off and he took his clothes off we climbed in the shower together my heart was. I felt very very happy. Usher had gotten a sponge and put some body wash. Turn me around and started washing my back. As he was doing that I had to think about how I was going to tell him about my past. Maybe he'll understand why I am the way I am. Usher was enjoying washing my body. He was licking his lips as he was going down my back. Biting his bottom lip he knew he had to control his self his man Hood was starting to rise. Baby. Yeah. Turn facing me. I turned around the facing I was looking in his eyes all of a sudden he grabbed me passionately and kissed me started kissing my neck. I pulled away. What's the matter babe why did you pull away from me. I am okay I. What baby what's wrong. I can't tell you right now wait till we take our shower okay Usher had calmed down he washed my shoulders. He asked me to wash him. And I did when I seen. The smile on his face I couldn't tell him nothing. Usher finish rinsing off. I finished rinsing off too. He grabbed two towels after he turned the water off we both took our towels and dried off. The doorbell rang ding dong. Who in the world can be at my door at this time at night. Ding dong. Usher was trying to hurry up to get dressed to go downstairs to answer it he finally got finished he ran down the steps and opened the. A young lady was standing there. When are back turned from him. Well I sure open the door he looks shocked. She turned around. Usher I'm back she said. No this was not happening to me not now I'm in love with someone else and all of a sudden my ex pops up. What do you want Tamika. I want you. I told you I am not coming back to you I have a new girlfriend in my life. But. Usher I told you I was sorry sorry just doesn't cut it Tamika. Well what do you want me to do I mean I came over here so I could talk to you thinking that you would make amends with me and that we could get back together again. No we're not. Tamika you are crazy girl you been on medications for 5 years. I'm not going to go back with you so that's out of the question so get in your car and just go back where you came from. Why usher why you do this to I'm not doing nothing to you now leave before I call the authorities. I was upstairs drying off and getting ready for bed I heard the conversation that Usher was having between him and Tamika. I didn't know what to think why would she come back now after we meet. And start getting to know each other now that I'm his girl I'm happy and I don't want nothing to come between us.

Usher shut the door Tamika walked away crying as usual. As he was walking up the steps I was finishing getting dressed and putting my silk pajamas on. Who is that honey. Oh it was Tamika. What what she want. She wanted to get me back again and I told her no I told her it was over between us. When he said that I smiled now where were we baby we were just getting ready to get in the bed and we're getting ready to talk right.yes Usher I need to tell you some things about me. I'm not the woman that you think I am. What what do you mean you are the woman that I think you are you're beautiful you're intelligent. I have a pretty dark past and I need to share it with you. Baby I'm here for you you ain't got to worry you don't have to live like that no more. I'm afraid I sure I don't want to lose you I don't want to get my heart broke again. See my ex-husband was so abusive to me I didn't have nothing to live for anymore. And after a while I thought about some things if it wasn't for God and Chelsea l wouldn't be here see I'm very suicidal. No don't say that baby I love you I don't want nothing to happen to you you hear me. I believed every word he said that came out of his mouth. He ran his fingers through my hair caressing my face telling me how much you love me and to reassure me that everything was going to be okay as he was holding me in his arms I got up and climbed on top of him. Hello baby what are you doing he said. I want to make love to you tonight. Usher swallowed are you sure. Yes it's been 2 months and I really need to make love to you cuz I don't want to lose you to someone usher had a weird look on his face . What's wrong sweetheart. Oh nothing I'm just thinking you know if you think long you think wrong. Yeah I've heard that old saying. Usher please make love to me I really need it. All right baby whatever you want me to do I'll go gentle with you. As we started making love he kissed my body all over. He was so compassionate with me so gentle I was lost and I didn't know what to say we made love all night long until morning it felt so good I couldn't believe how wonderful I felt inside. After we got finished we lay there holding each other caressing each other. Usher I said. Yes babe what's up. I want to lose my weight. What he said. I said I want to lose weight. You do. Yes I do I don't want to be this big anymore I'm tired of being big I'm tired of feeling like I'm nothing. I don't know baby don't say that you are something and you're late to me doesn't mean anything. Yeah but it does to me I want to get healthy I want to stay healthy for you. Will you help me. Sure you know I go to the gym every morning yeah I know. Can we go later on this morning yes baby let's get some rest and wake up and go to the he kissed my lips and I kissed him back I put my hand on his face caressing his face I love you Usher I said. I love you too baby and he kissed me.

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