I fell in love with Usher Raymond chapter 7

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Usher took me in his arms as he spun me around on a dance floor he stops spinning me he was just showing me off. He wound up drinking his last drink finally at last he's stopped drinking for the rest of the night. But I believe I'm going to be in trouble when we get home. Cuz apparently when he drinks he gets and even when he don't drink he gets horny. I couldn't imagine us making love right now because he is feeling pretty good right about now Usher was starting to get sick to a stomach he ran to the bathroom where he threw up at. He almost didn't make it. After that he put a cold rag around his face wash his face washed his hands come back out of the bathroom . And he was his old self again. Baby are you all right I said. Yeah honey I'm fine I feel good now I got a little sick and you know I felt bad went to the bathroom I feel better now. Okay are you feeling okay are you hungry. Yeah matter of fact I am hungry but I'm not hungry for food as he laughed. As he was singing All Night Long. I believe he was hinting that he wanted to make love to me tonight. But then he reminded himself that he has to take it nice and slow.

Usher had to sing one last song before we left the club. He looked at me and sang can you handle it. My mouth opened up wide my eyes got so big I almost passed out. Usher grabbed my arm and took me outside to the car Chelsea was right behind us Charles was in the car waiting on us. Has Usher open the door let me in he gently shut the door after I got in the car. Chelsea got in the passenger side. I had a wonderful time tonight Usher. You did baby he yes I did baby I meant what I said back there at the club I'm so in love with you. I love you too Usher I feel good when I'm around you but you make me nervous sometimes. Sometimes what do you mean. I just get butterflies in my stomach I know what you mean baby I do too. As we were approaching the house Chelsea was yawning. Uh oh it looks like my BBF is getting tired. As we came up the driveway I sure opened the door and grab my door and grab me and helped me out of the car. He went around to Chelsea's door and opened her door and helped her out also. Thank You Usher I appreciate that you're welcome Bahama Mama. What did you just call me Usher. I called you Bahama Mama. Oh now you're saying a Bahama Mama me huh. Usher laughed no Chelsea I didn't mean nothing by girl I was just messing with you. I like that thank you. As we walked in the house the lights were on them Usher held my hand grabbed my waist and took me upstairs to the bedroom. I would like to take a shower. Sure baby go ahead I'll just be getting as I picked around the corner get ready for what. Prevail of he laughed and chuckled with a big grin on his face oh Mr Raymond I am scared of you. What do you mean baby why you scared of me for I'm harmless. You sure about that. Yeah I'm very sure baby I wouldn't hurt a flea well you know what I would kill a flea. Uh-oh I better look out then you might wind up killing me no baby I would never kill you. I would kill for you if anybody tried to hurt you. You mean I don't you girl. You dang right I mean it. I believe you love me Barbara you just don't want to admit how much you love me. I'll be right back out okay let me take my shower I have to get these clothes off I'm sweaty all right. I noticed when I talked to her she changed the subject. I'm in the shower thinking what can I do with this man. Should I let him in my heart. Or should I keep my gard up. I really love him I never felt this way before about any man I know I'm in love with him. And he knows I am love is an action word and I show him how much I care but then I'm afraid he might cheat on me. and if he does it would just break my heart into. I got finished out of the shower I hopped out got a town dried off my hair was swapping wet I had to dry it also as I was drying off I wrapped the towel around me. Usher was in the bedroom singing in his boxers and he didn't have his shirt on LOL. I came out of the bathroom with just a towel on me. Whoa baby are you all right. Yeah why you came out of the bathroom just a towel on are you trying to tease me cuz if you are you're doing a damn good job of it. I know I'm not trying to tease you okay I was looking for the pajamas well I think you look good just like that yeah right. I don't think so Mr Raymond not tonight girl you just don't know what you do to me I'm going to tear you up when I get a hold of you my eyes got big after he said that. What's wrong Barbara why you looking like that for. It's what you just said Usher that you said you was going to tear my ass up okay. When you get a hold of me. Usher chuckled and laughed baby I'm just messing with you right now. I think you're very serious and I like it. You do . Yeah I do. Come on baby come to bed with me . After I put my pajamas on yeah. Usher grabs Me softly and pulls me towards him and presses into my body kissing my neck and my lips. I knew I had to stop this before something was about to happen. Stop Usher I said. What's wrong baby. Can I ask you a question. Sure baby. Can you just wait at least for a couple of months. A couple of months. Yeah I mean I just want to make sure I'm ready I know you're ready because you keep on showing me that you're ready but I'm just not ready right now. Baby why don't you just give me a chance. I am giving you a chance but I just want you to wait for me. All right I'll wait for you baby however long it takes I'll wait. Thank you sweetheart I love you I love you too baby girl when I get your jammies on and getting this damn bed so I can hold you in my arms. All right love I'm coming I ran into the bathroom and put on silky pajamas
As I came into the bedroom Usher was laying across the bed looking at me so sexy. What are you doing Mr Raymond I said I'm going to pose for you tonight and he chuckled and laughed oh you're going to be silly tonight huh. Yeah baby I want to be silly for you. Chelsea was down the hall and the guest room. Baby I want to go down the hall and say good night to Chelsea. Sure go ahead I'll be here when you get back well where you going to go you're in your boxers LOL and I laughed down the hallway I went down the hallway and knocked on the guest bedroom with Chelsea was. She heard me and said come on in. I peeked in the room I said are you okay. Yeah sure girl I'm okay come on in. Okay I came in and I said to her I'm getting ready to go to bed so I just wanted to say good night to you and I love you and I hope you have a blessed night and sleep tight. Thank you girl you too I hear you two down the hallway giggling and laughing what are y'all doing down there huh. Girl he's flirting with me like I don't know what he knows he wants me I know he wants me I want him but I want him to wait. Do you think you will Barbara. Well if he's a gentleman I think he will but if he's a hoe and likes to be out here with women cuz all these women are flirting with him and coming at him and falling at his feet. I guess I'll find out won't I. Girl don't think like that I believe she does love you. Oh there's no doubt about that he loves me. But he's such a horn doggy laughing together. When you get some sleep okay and I'll talk to you in the morning okay say are you going to get some clothes from your apartment. Oh yeah I was thinking about it. He wants you to live with him doesn't he yeah he does. And are you going to yeah I think I will I'll try to see how it is. Okay just be careful Barbara you know I love you girl you're like my sister. Girl what you talking about we is sisters we are sisters from another mother. You got that right we together forever right yes girl you know that's right come on give me a hug good night. Good night I love you. I love you too. As I started back down the hallway to usher's bedroom I heard him talking in the bed I think he was talking on the phone to somebody. I don't know he was talking to. But it sounds like he was having a confrontation with someone on the other end. I stayed back to keep him from knowing that I was out in the hallway. But I heard everything that he was talking about. It didn't last long he told whoever was on the other and goodbye and don't call my phone ever again. And with that he closed his phone. I came in the room hi baby oh hi are you okay I said. Yeah baby I'm fine why what you asking that for I don't know when I came in you seem like you was kind of startled who is that on the phone with you. Oh it's nobody. Come on Usher now we can't play games. Usher was thinking about how he was going to tell me who he was talking to on the phone. Come on now you know we can't keep secrets if you want me to be your girl you got to be honest with me and you got to tell me the truth. Yeah baby I know well I'm waiting. If you really want to know who that was that was my ex-girlfriend. Really. Yeah it was she wanted me to come back to her and I told her no I haven't talked to her in over 3 years and all of a sudden she wants to call me up and tell me how much she loves me and she wants me to come back to her. And there's no way no way I'm ever going to go back to her. I can't why not because I'm in love with you. Is that a good enough reason yes baby it is. As I climbed into the bed I sure turned over and was holding me in his arms he was holding me and didn't want to let go. But he wasn't smothering me to the point where I couldn't breathe. He just held me and it felt so good. We talked for several hours until we fell asleep I fell asleep in his arms. As I was laying there he gently took his arm away from me and I turned over. Usher gently got out of the bed went out the door and walked down the hallway to see if Chelsea was up. He went down the hallway and cracked the door open Chelsea was still awake. Hey chels it's me I know. I need to talk to you about something. What you know I really love Barbara right. Yeah well would you be able to help me pick out a beautiful promise ring for her you're kidding. No I'm not kidding I really want to give her a ring oh my gosh usher she would love that. Yeah I hope you all right I want to do it tomorrow so we can meet at the Jewelers say around 1:30 yeah that'd be great. Okay I got to go. Hey. Yeah you know you're in your boxers right yeah I know that's why I got to get back down to the room before she wakes up and thinks that you and I are doing something that we're not. All right I'll see you tomorrow all right talk to you soon okay good night good night. Usher came out of the room quietly and came back into his bedroom my baby's still asleep yep I'm still asleep. But that's what he thought. I didn't question him about where he went I just laid there silently wondering what was going on. Chelsea was not interested in Usher. And Usher was not interested in her. But my insecurities started kicking in and I didn't want to cause a scene or have an argument with him because we were getting along so great and so well. Usher climbed in the bed gently and put his arms around me I felt his armed around me and it felt really good inside. Usher. Yeah babe are you okay. Yeah baby I'm fine go back to sleep I'm here I'm not going nowhere. Are you thirsty. No where did you go honey I didn't go nowhere. Uh-oh that was his first lie. I knew he had left the room because I had turned over and he ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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