I fell in love with Usher Raymond chaper 21

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As Usher was sitting in the living room there was a knock on the door he got up to answer it. It was a man and it looks like a Ashley's boyfriend. Hello Usher said. How can I help you yes Mr Raymond my name is Adam. Hello Adam how are you I didn't come here to chit chat all I came here to do is to tell you that the child that Ashley's carrying is mine I know it is so you have nothing to worry about you can get your life back together because I'm going to prove to the judge that I am the father of this child and that you're not. Thank you Adam I appreciate that but why is she doing this to me. I don't know Usher I think she's mad at you because you wouldn't go with her. Well I hardly even knew her I mean I only met her that one night you know and I wish that I never did meet her though actually because now I've got all this drama in my life and I've got enough on my mind I'm worried about my fiance.
Mr Raymond I just want to apologize to you for my girl's behavior. Man you shouldn't have to apologize it's her she needs to apologize to me. But she wants this so if she wants a war she's going to get one. No please Mr Raymond don't do that I'll tell you what I make you a deal let's just stop this trial and I'll make sure that she'll never bother you or your family again. How you going to do that Adam. Well she pretty much listens to me maybe she'll listen to me this time I know she's about ready to have the baby soon so you know months has gone by since. She told you that she was pregnant with your child and it's really not yours it's mine. Well Adam if you can do anything to stop your woman from causing me to live in living hell then I would appreciate it very much. Yes sir I'll do anything I can it was nice meeting you sir and like I said I apologize for anything that she has done. Thank you. Adam walked out the door and Usher had shut behind him. Now that I was home I was laying in the bed upstairs. Usher came up to keep me company hi sweetheart how are you feeling do you need anything is there anything I can get you. LOL laugh laugh. No sweetheart I'm fine thank you though I know what you could do I'm what's that sweetheart what is it you can lay next to me in the bed. I'd be more than glad to lay with you. How's your laid next to me in the bed holding me in his arms I couldn't feel my legs still but I just had enough faith that I knew that. I would be healed and I believed that I would have a full recovery of everything. How's your phone rang and he picked it up. Hello. Usher it's me Mom. Oh hi Mom how are you I'm fine son how is Barbara doing. She's here Mom in the house we're just laying in the bed and I'm just taking care of her. Good I'm glad is she doing okay I know she's going to be okay Mom I know it's going to be a rough go but we're going to get through this you are I know you are son. Thank you Mom for all your prayers. You're welcome son and I love you very much. Mom I need to talk to you privately later I'll call you I need to tell you some things okay son whatever you say. I love you I love you too Mom. Everyday my therapy was getting better and better I started having feelings in my legs but I didn't want to tell Usher just yet I wanted to surprise him. The doctor wanted me to be down on the first floor in the guest room so that way. I can have a full recovery. Usher wound up picking me up and put me in his arms. Usher put me down what are you doing. The doctor wants you downstairs on the first floor guest bedroom. Oh okay don't worry baby I'm not going to drop you. I trust you usher. As he bring me downstairs to the first floor to the guest bedroom.. it was much easier for me to get a full recovery. The nurses came in everyday to help me with my recovery I was actually starting to feel my legs I felt sensation in them I felt movement but I didn't want to let Usher know just yet. Chelsea came by and wanted to talk to me Usher let her in and told her to go to the guest room where I would be. Hey Chelsea hey girl it's good to see you again yeah I know it really is good to see you Charles look Barbara I'm so sorry that all this happens. Chelsea don't be sorry okay I forgive you. Say I wanted to tell you that the Atlanta ball was coming next week I know I shouldn't say that to you because cuz you're still recovering and everything and but hey can I say something yeah what is it. Don't tell Usher. What what's going on girl. I'm starting to get feelings in my legs I've been starting to walk but usher doesn't know it and I don't want him to find out because I want to surprise him. Oh my gosh girl that is wonderful don't say nothing. That sounds wonderful I would love to go to the ball but I don't know if usher will go. I'll let you ask him you suggest it to him Barbara okay. Yeah but then he'll say why should we go because I can't walk. But then I can tell him well we can wheel it I know that this dance is very important I've always went to this dance every year and you know Chelsea I really want to go so I guess I'll have to convince him to take me. I'm getting ready to leave now I'll talk to you later okay yeah sure I'll talk to you later love you I love you too my friend.


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