I fell in love with Usher Raymond chapter 30

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As we were approaching the house Charles came out to greet us. He grabbed my hand and help me out of the limo. Ma'am I ran you some hot bath water with floating rose petals. Thank you Charles said Usher. What you asked him to do that for me. Yes sweetheart is there something wrong with that no nothing wrong with that I'm just amazed by how you love me and how you take care of me. There's more to come Barbara you just don't know when you're with me you won't know what to expect. And as I looked at him I smiled. My heart was starting to feel a little bit more at ease I know my emotions were acting up on me making me think that he would not be faithful to me. He just got over going to trial proving that Alicia was not pregnant by him so why would I think negative of my man. He loves me he wants me to be happy so why can't I be happy. What was really going on in my mind and in my heart. Usher grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to the bathroom he took off my clothes gently and help me into the soaker tub with the floating rose petals I sat down in the tub where it was so nice and warm there was soap bubbles starting to come out of the Jets. Usher got a sponge and he lost my back from me gently as I was washing my body he grabbed the sponge and washed me gently all over kissing me. I didn't know what to think I had never been treated like that before I was just in awe. Meanwhile Chelsea was in her room down the hallway. She was truly sorry for the way she acted she knew Usher and I had came home but she knew that we were in the bedroom so she did not disturb us. After I got done taking my bath Usher helped me out the tub and dried me off he wrapped my hair up in the towel. I put on my negligee then he helped me with my robe. He laughed and said you know that's not going to be on you much longer right. I laughed LOL yes I know I replied. If I was coming into the bedroom I told her I was going to go down and see Chelsea and visit with her for a minute is that okay sure you ain't got to ask me babe you know you can do that okay I won't be long okay take your time. All right I love you. I love you too baby. As I went down the hall and knocked on Chelsea's door she answered hi how you doing she said. Girl don't hi me after what you did I told you I was sorry Barbara please don't do this to me. I'm not doing nothing to you Chelsea okay I want you to be happy all right Usher is going to introduce Jason to you so that maybe you guys can get to know each other but you have to be on your best behavior okay yes I know. We talked we left I told her I couldn't stay long. But I just wanted her to be okay and the behavior self. You know usher's been very nice to you he's allowing you to stay here with us for a little while you ought to be grateful Chelsea. I am grateful Barbara thank you so much and I think Usher too for allowing me to come into his home. Okay now that we got that cleared up I'm going to be retiring to bed early tonight I'm going to be spending some time with my fiance and I want you to be on your best behavior all right I will I promise. When she said she promised I knew that was a lie cuz her promises don't mean nothing she always breaks them but I let her stay just to see how she would react. I went back into the bedroom with Usher and I sure was already in the bed he was sound asleep. I took my robots and laid it across the chair climbed in the bed softly so I wouldn't disturb him he really looked very sleepy and tired so I let him sleep as I laid in the bed I turned over to my right side just looking at him watching him sleep. Next thing I know he put his arms around me he had one eye open and one eye closed I'm not sleep babe I'm just resting that's all he said. I wish that you was asleep cuz I never intended to come in and disturb you no baby you're fine. You didn't disturb me. If he was holding me he started putting his hands to my hair caressing me softly with his hands stroking his fingers across my face looking into my eyes. All of a sudden I heard a noise I jumped about the bed what was that I said. Usher got up too and he put his Rob on and check to see what was going on open the door Chelsea was out in the hallway I looked at her and said Chelsea what's going on was that you making that noise out here oh I'm sorry she said I was trying to come out the room to go downstairs to get me a snack and I tripped. She actually didn't trip she was eavesdropping on us. I told her don't worry you just startled us that's all we thought there was a burglar or someone in the house. Oh my now I'm a burglar huh LOL she laughed. Chelsea I did not call you a burglar I said we thought there was a burglar in the house you can't roam around in the house like this Usher carries guns you could easily got shot. Chelsea's eyes got big after I said a gun  a gun did you say a gun yes Chelsea a gun. You know Usher is a famous celebrity and he has to protect herself even though he has bodyguards he still has to have protection on him also. Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make so much noise it won't happen again I promise. Chelsea stop saying you promise because I know you're promises don't mean nothing. What do you mean you've broke so many promises after you say you promise. All right then I'll make sure I try not to do it again okay how's that. Yeah that's fine now tomorrow we're going to discuss the wedding plans because our wedding is coming up very soon yeah I know do you still want to be my bridesmaid . Of course I want to be your bridesmaid why would you ask me that. Cuz you're acting very strange. Oh okay that's another thing I got to work on  well I guess I'll go to bed all right I love you. I love you too Chelsea if I was heading back to the room Chelsea mumbled something underneath her breath. I turned around and said Chelsea yes she answered what are you mumbling under your breath what was that you just said. What do you mean. Chelsea you know you just said something up underneath your breath don't play stupid and dumb I'm not stupid and dumb I know what I heard no I'm not going to tell you what I said. And why not because. You resent me don't you you can't get over the fact that I've got someone that truly loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me and you can't get over that can you. All my life I've wanted a man like Usher and I finally got him and it's him that I got I never thought it would be him but it is and I can't get over the fact that we're going to get married and I'm so happy why can't you be happy for me Chelsea. I am happy for you Barbara. I knew she wasn't telling the truth. I held my head down and sadness. What's wrong Barbara why are you holding your head down for because I know you didn't mean that what you just said I know you Chelsea I know you like a book you're not the friend I thought you was what happened to my friend what did you do to her why have you changed so much and it's just recently that you changed ever since me and Usher meet and fell in love you Been upset with me. It's like you resent me no I don't resent you I just wish I could find someone like you got I told you that Usher was going to set you up with Jason I don't know if I want to be with him or not but he's cute girl yeah. Well just give it a try why don't you. Okay I'll try see how it goes we'll remember be nice be the Chelsea I know okay I will. Everybody went to bed went to sleep Usher was holding me in his arms all night long we talked for hours he didn't make love to me because he just wanted to be intimate with me and I thought that was wonderful. I love this man.

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