Chapter 23

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Vegas Pov

Vegas arrives at his house.. Vegas then go inside and go upstairs and walk towards his room and start to pack Porsche clothes and his own clothes then take a quick shower.. 10 minutes later.. Vegas come out from the bathroom with the clothes on.. Vegas take the bag and go downstairs.. Vegas then say.. Nop.. Please take care of the house.. Nop nod and say.. Be careful Khun Vegas.. Vegas nod and get into the car then drive away to main family house...

At main family house

Kim Pov..

Kim is sitting outside while playing with his guitar.. Suddenly Khun Pete Arm and Pol come towards him and sit together.. Pete then hug Khun arms and say.. Don't worry love.. Porsche will be fine.. Trust me na.. Arm then reply.. Porsche is really strong and I know it.. Arm then hug Pol arms and look at him and smile.. Macau and Porchay come along and sit with them.. Kim starts to sing Why Don't You Stay song... The rest of them sing as well..

Vegas Pov..

Vegas then arrive at main family house and park his car.. Vegas then go inside.. P Chan then walk towards Vegas and say.. Welcome back Khun Vegas.. Vegas bow his head and look around then ask.. Where is everyone? Chan then reply.. They are outside with Khun Kim.. Vegas then ask again.. Do you mind if I want to go inside? Chan then move aside to give Vegas an entrance.. Vegas smile and go inside and see Khun and others were there... Vegas watching them from far and smile softly.. Vegas then say.. Porsche.. I already miss you even I left you for a while.. Macau about to go inside and see his big bro is standing near the pole and watching them.. Macau then say.. Phi Vegas!! Macau run towards his brother and hug Vegas tightly.. Vegas kiss Macau forehead and ask.. Are you ok Macau?Khun Arm Pete Pol Kim and Porchay run towards Vegas.. Porchay then say.. Phi Vegas.. Please take me to see P Porsche na... Kim then rub Porchay shoulders and say.. Calm down Chay... Vegas smile and say... Dont worry guys...Porsche is already awake just now before I left...Dr Cindy said tomorrow Porsche can be discharge from the hospital... Khun then hug Vegas and say.. Thank God.. Macau then hug Vegas too and say.. Im truly sorry Phi.. It was all my fault.. Porchay then reply.. Its my fault too.. Vegas hug both of his little brothers and say.. Its not anyone fault... Kim then say... Tomorrow.. We will have a small party.. Arm then ask.. What party Khun Kim? Khun then rise his eyebrows and smile brightly and say.. Lets make a small party for Porsche.. Are you guys agree? Macau and Chay hug each other while jumping.. Vegas shake his head and smile...Chan then come along with Mr Korn and Mr Karn.. Mr Korn then say..let us help as well.. And Vegas.. Uncle is truly sorry for everything that Kinn had done to you and Porsche... Mr Korn is about to kneel down.. But got stop by Vegas and Mr Karn.. Karn shake his head and pat his older brother shoulder and need to think about it anymore.. Its already happened... How is my son in law and my little grandchildren? Vegas nod and reply.. Porsche pregnancy is already 8 months now.. All of them cheer up together.. Chan then say... Khun Vegas.. Will you staying at the hospital for today? Vegas then reply.. Yes I am P Chan.. I can't leave Porsche alone.. Kim then say.. Please send our regards to him.. And about party for tomorrow...we will handle it... Don't worry ok.. Now.. You better go.. Vegas then say.. I will see you guys tomorrow.. Vegas then leave the main family house and drive to hospital..

At hospital..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche open his eyes slowly and see no one is around.. Suddenly a nurse come in and say.. Oh Mr Porsche.. You already awake na...Porsche smile and reply... Yes.. Im just awake.. By the way.. I want to take a fresh air at the rooftop... Don't worry.. I will be careful this time.. The nurse look at Porsche with a worry face.. If Dr Cindy or Vegas ask.. Just keep silent.. I will leave a note on the table.. Off you go now.. The nurse bow her head and leave the ward...Porsche get out from the bed and go to the bathroom and wash her face and mouth... Porsche then come out and take a piece of paper and write a note on it and put it on the table... Porsche then take off his Iv and leave the ward... Porsche walk towards an elevator and go to the rooftop...Porsche then arrive at the rooftop and close his eyes and say... Its so fresh up here... Babies.. Its really cold up here... While rubbing his big belly and smile..

Vegas Pov..
Vegas arrives at the hospital and go inside.. Vegas then walk towards Porsche ward and open the door.. Vegas feels shock when he see his beloved wife isn't in the room.. Vegas start to feel panic and then see a note and read it.. Im at the rooftop..Vegas get out from the room and run towards the elevator and go inside.. Vegas arrives at the rooftop and see Porsche is standing there.. Vegas walk towards his beloved wife and kiss his cheek again and again and ask.. What are you doing here baby? You shouldn't suppose to be here.. You need to rest.. Porsche then hug Vegas neck and kiss Vegas deeply and touch their foreheads and reply.. Our babies want me to take a fresh air... Vegas kiss Porsche belly and rub it gently.. Vegas then say.. I can't wait to see them... Porsche then say.. Our babies will get a love of love right? Vegas nod and reply.. Just like you.. Then kiss Porsche forehead for a long time and hold his hand tight.. Porsche then say.. You don't have to feel guilty baby.. I really want to protect our family from Kinn.. Vegas hug Porsche tight and say...don't mention about Kinn.. I don't want to hear his name.. Porsche chuckle then say.. I know sweetheart...please forgive everything that Kinn had done to us na.. Please.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and rub his back gently.. Porsche then say.. I'm yours Vegas..where else should I go? Maybe i can go to Chiangmai by myself again.. Vegas bite Porsche ear and say.. No.. Not anymore baby....i won't let you go again.. You really want me to punish you hmm? Porsche then bite Vegas lower lips and deepen the kiss and chuckle.. Vegas kiss Porsche lips softly and say.. Its almost dark.. Come on.. I already bring your clothes.. Porsche nod and hold Vegas hand tight and go back to his wards..

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