Chapter 14

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Kinn Pov

Kinn put Porsche on the bed... Kinn then take off Porsche clothes and throw it on the floor... Kinn then say.. You should be mine Porsche.. Not belong to that bastard.. Kinn then take off his clothes and pretend to sleep..

Vegas Pov...
Vegas go back inside and see Porsche isn't there.. Vegas start to feel panic then go to Arm and Pol then ask.. Hey...have you seen Porsche? Arm then reply.. Truly sorry Khun Vegas... Khun noo is already drunk too much right now.. We should celebrate his birthday today.. But this is happen..We are sorry Khun Vegas.. Vegas nod and start to search for Porsche... Vegas then take an elevtor and go up..Vegas start to wandering around the corridor and then see theres a door open.. Vegas walk slowly towards the door and open it.. Vegas feel shock as he see his wife is sleeping with Kinn.. Vegas walk towards Porsche and look at him with anger...Porsche open his eyes slowly and look around.. Then realize Porsche is in someone else room.. Porsche feel shock as he see Vegas is standing there while looking at Porsche with disgust.. Kinn then pretend to wake up and see Porsche and Vegas... Kinn then ask.. Porsche.. What the hell are you doing here? Porsche then look at Kinn and himself then notice both of them were shirtless..Porsche then say.. Vegas.. I swear.. I didn't do anything with Kinn.. I don't know how i was end up laying beside him.. Please trust me na... Kinn then reply.. Im truly sorry for you my cousin.. For having a stupid wife like Porsche.. And the worst thing is.. Porsche even begging to me to touch him.. I really enjoy it.. Very much.. Kinn then smirk evilly.. Vegas then slap Porsche face hard and say.. A fucking slut like you aren't deserve to be loved at all! Wear your clothes and lets go back home!! Porsche already start to cry while hold Vegas hand.. Kinn see them leaving and start to laugh evilly.. Vegas pull Porsche out from the house and push him to get into the car roughly.. Vegas then say.. Macau.. Lets go back! Macau then run towards the car and get inside.. Porsche then say.. Vegas...Vegas then yell.. Shut the fuck up you slut! I don't want to hear anything! Porsche cry and silent.. Macau is out of words and pray so Porsche will be save from his brother later... As they arrive.. Vegas pull Porsche out from the car and throw him on the floor.. Macau! You go upstairs and dont come out! Macau starts to cry as well and go upstairs.. Porsche then hug Vegas legs then crying and say.. Vegas.. Please sweetheart.. Please believe me na.. Vegas slap Porsche face again and kick his belly and yell.. Fucking slut! I really hate you Porsche!! What the fuck am I to you now huh?! Porsche hug Vegas legs tightly and say.. Vegas.. I didn't do anything.. Please believe in me.. Please Vegas.. Don't do this to me.. Don't do this to our babies... Please Vegas... Vegas kick Porsche belly again and again.. Porsche yell in pain..Vegas!! Please! Stop it! Its hurts!! Vegas pull Porsche hair and say.. From now on Porsche.. I don't want to see your face anymore! Leave now! Porsche shake his head and crying again and beg.. Vegas... Please.. Don't... Where else i should go... Don't do this na... Please.. Vegas slap Porsche again and say.. Not my fucking business bitch! Get your fucking ass out from my house! Porsche then say... Vegas... If this is what you want... Then please allow me to leave tomorrow... Porsche cry as he speaks.. Vegas then reply.. Pack your stuff and leave this fucking house by tomorrow morning.. Understand?! Vegas go upstairs and slam the door.. Porsche crying and walk slowly and go upstairs... Macau then crying and say.. Please don't leave phi... Porsche cry again while kiss Macau forehead for a long time and say.. Mommy need to leave tomorrow.. You should go and sleep ok... Good night.. Macau cry and go to his room.. Porsche then go to the room and see his beloved husband already sleep... Porsche take his bag and start to pack his stuff while cry hard... Porsche then take the medium size box and put all the ultrasound pictures inside the box then write.. For my Vegas then put on the table.. Porsche then take a piece of paper and write something on it and put it beside the box.. Porsche then sleep on the floor...

Next morning..

Vegas Pov..

Vegas wake up and see Porsche isn't with him.. Vegas then see a medium size box with a letter.. Vegas then take a letter and start to read it.. Vegas.. Vegas my beloved husband.. By the time you read this letter.. Im not by your side anymore.. The reason why i choose to leave.. Not because you chased me.. Or not because you didn't trust me.. I leave because i feel that you will be better without me.. Vegas starts to cry then continue to read again.. I always feel that im not good enough for you.. I already made a promise Vegas.. I promise that i will always love you.. No matter what happens between us.. My heart made a right decision.. My heart choose you.. Once I fell in love with you..nothing gonna change that fact.. Im grateful because you give me a chance to love you.. I know im not perfect enough... You always in my heart Vegas.. Please promise me that you going to take care of your self.. Please take care of Macau for me.. If you need any help.. Go to main family house.. I love you my husband... Don't forget to open the box that i left for you... -Porsche.. Vegas cry hard then slowly take the box and open it.. Vegas then see a few pictures of ultrasound.. Vegas then yell.. Porsche! Porsche! Please come back to me!! Im truly sorry!! Porsche.... Come back to me baby... Macau then run towards his brother and hug him tight and say.. Shh shh.. Its ok na Phi Vegas.. Give Phi Porsche a time too... Vegas then reply.. No.. I want him! I want my Porsche back! Vegas go to the bathroom and take a quick shower..

At main family house

Kinn Pov..
Kinn see Big come towards Kinn and say... Porsche already left the minor family house khun Kinn.. Kinn then reply and say.. Off you go now.. Big then leave Kinn.. Kinn laugh evilly and say.. Serve you right Vegas.. And serve your right Porsche...

At minor family house..

Vegas is about to go out and start to search for Porsche.. Suddenly Karn appear and say.. Vegas.. Sit down.. Vegas sigh slowly and sit down.. Karn start talk.. Where is my son in law Vegas.. Vegas look down on the floor and reply.. I already chased him out Pa.. Im truly sorry.. Karn then sigh heavily and say.. Well.. I don't have any idea what is happening between you and Porsche.. But..if you have any problems.. Then settle it nicely.. Always have a communication with each other.. Please bring my son in law and my grand children back.. Karn then leave the house...Vegas then say.. Macau.. Stay here with Nop.. If you both have any information about Porsche.. Please inform phi straight away.. Phi need to go and get Porsche back.. Vegas then drive away to main family house..

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