Chapter 34(Final)

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Porsche Pov

Porsche open his eyes slowly and see.. Vegas.. Khun.. Kim.. Arm.. Pol.. Pete.. Along with Korn and Mr Karn.. Not only them.. But P Yok.. Tem and Jom too.. Macau then Chay as well.. All of them look at Porsche with big smile on their face... Vegas then kiss Porsche forehead gently and say.. Hey baby.. How are you feeling... Porsche then nod and smile softly... Vegas then say... Welcome back baby... Porsche hug Vegas and kiss his cheek and ask.. Where is our babies hmm? Suddenly.. Dr Cindy and another nurse come in with the twins... Cindy then give a baby girl to Porsche.. Porsche then take his little princess and kiss his forehead softly and look at Vegas.. Vegas then hold his little prince and kiss him..everyone look at them and smile.. Khun then ask... What is their name? Porsche then reply Clarissa Kittisawat Theerapanyakul and Michael Kittisawat Theerapanyakul.. Kim then say.. Wow.. What a beautiful name na... Big then hug Porsche and say.. Congrats na Porsche.. You already have your own family.. Khun Vegas.. Please take care of your family from now on na krub.. Vegas smile and reply.. Yes I will.. Don't worry.. Arm then hug Porsche too and cry a little.. Pol then ask.. Why are you crying.. Aish.. Porsche chuckle and say... One day Arm.. Your happy day will come too.. And Pol.. Please take care of him ok.. Macau then chuckle and reply.. I can't wait to see both of them get marry... Porchay hit Macau shoulder and shake his head.. As give Macau a signal to stop talking nonsense.. Macau then hug Chay and whisper.. I love you Chay.. Porsche who is listening then reply.. You both also need to take care of each other na.. Promise me ok? Vegas then reply.. Don't worry baby... Kim then say.. Ok.. Lets take a picture shall we? Cindy smile and reply.. I will take it for you all.. Suddenly a nurse come in and reply.. I will take the picture.. While taking Vegas phone and say.. Ready? One two three.. Smile... All of them smile while the nurse take their picture altogether.... Cindy then hug Porsche and say.. You still need to rest na... Once you get better.. You can discharge from the hospital... Khun then reply.. Thank you for everything Dr Cindy.. Porsche bow his head too and say.. Yes.. Thank you na.. Cindy then reply.. Say thank you to your husband... Vegas kiss Porsche head and smile softly.. Porsche then kiss Vegas deeply and say.. I love you sweetheart.. Thank you for stay by my side.. Vegas nod and smile.. Mr Karn then say.. Ok boys.. We need to leave.. Let Porsche have a lot of rest... We will come to visit you guys after Porsche discharge from hospital... Kim then say.. Yes.. I agree.. Khun then kiss his nephews and say.. We will go home now little babies.. Vegas.. Porsche.. Please take care of your self na.. Vegas hug Khun and say.. Be careful guys.. Thanks for visiting us na... Kim nod and everyone leave the wards... Cindy then say.. Well.. I need to go as well.. Once again.. Congrats na.. Cindy smile and leave them... Vegas then put their babies in the baby bed and start to humming a lullaby.. Porsche then kiss Vegas and say.. I thought you wont coming.. Vegas stroke Porsche cheek and say.. I already said I will come baby.. Porsche chuckle and say.. Lets sleep now shall we.. Come.. Porsche say while patting the bed.. Vegas then lay down beside Porsche and hug Porsche slowly while humming a lullaby again and say.. Sleep now baby.. Porsche kiss Vegas lips softly and say.. Sleep too na..Vegas nod and say.. Have a rest sweetheart then close his eyes while hugging Porsche.. Porsche smile and sleep too..

A few months later...

Porsche is busy preparing for the food.. While Vegas is giving a bath for Michael and Clarissa who just turn 2 years old.. 10 minutes later.. Vegas take the babies and put them at the living room and let them watch tv.. Vegas then hug Porsche from behind while rubbing his 4 months old belly and say.. Good morning baby.. While kiss Porsche cheek.. Porsche then kiss Vegas softly and say.. Morning too sunshine.. Vegas then say.. Our family is busy.. I don't think they can come today.. Suddenly theres a door bell rings.. Vegas open the door and see Khun Pete Arm and Pol along with Kim Big Macau and Chay.. Porsche see them and smile softly then reply.. Come in guys! Then.. All of them come in and go towards the living room and start to play with Michael and Clarissa.. Macau and Chay help Porsche to prepare the food... Vegas then sit with Kim and Big while holding Michael in his arms then ask.. Where is Uncle and Pa? Khun then say.. Ooh.. Both of them are resting.. Like usual.. They are getting old.. They send you both a regards.. Porsche then say.. Guys! Food is ready! Lets come and eat! Macau and Chay help to give the food for others.. Vegas then make a milk to Michael and Clarissa.. Porsche then pour a water and serve it on the table.. Pete then reply.. Porsche.. Come and eat with us.. You have another baby coming.. Big chuckle then ask.. When you and Khun wanna get marry? Kim then reply.. Yes.. Im about to ask.. We are waiting for wedding invitation.. Vegas then reply.. Please don't invite us.. We are busy handling with those kiddos.. Vegas then reply.. We only wish you guys the best.. Including Kim and Big too na.. Macau then reply.. Please come and visit us phi Vegas.. Me and Chay can help to take care of our siblings.. Porsche then reply.. We didn't want to burden you both.. As long as we can... We will try to manage our time for the kids.. Don't worry ok.. After they done eating.. All of them wash the plate and cups.. While Porsche is cleaning the table..Chay help to clear the kitchen.. Kim then reply.. Porsche.. Vegas.. We need to go now.. Please take care of your self na.. Both of you.. Big then kiss Michael and Clarissa while give them a flying kiss.. Porsche smile and say.. Ok.. Be careful.. Khun Pete walk towards Porsche and hug him tight and say.. We love you Porsche.. Feel free to visit us ok.. Vegas then reply.. Sure we will.. Take care too na Khun.. Arm and Pol need to leave first since they have a date.. Macau and Chay hug Vegas and Porsche.. Chay then say.. We also have a date.. Wish us luck na! Porsche then laugh and say.. Hope you both are having a good time ok! Macau wave then pull Chay to leave.. Khun and Pete then leave as well.. Porsche then rub his belly gently.. Vegas then say.. I know baby.. You should go outside with Clarissa.. I will bring Michael and join later.. Still need to tidy up the living room.. Don't forget to take a big shawl.. I already put it on the sofa.. Porsche then smile and carry Clarissa then take the big shawl and sit walk towards the backyard.. Porsche then put the shawl on the grass and sit.. Clarissa then play with Porsche.. Porsche then say.. Hey my little princess.. Come to mommy.. Clarissa then hug Porsche and kiss his cheek.. Porsche stroke Clarissa head and read the book.. 5 minutes later.. Vegas take Michael and hold Michael to walk and say.. Give mommy a kiss! Michael try to walk.. Porsche then see Michael walk towards him then say.. Come here! Porsche then carry Michael and kiss Michael cheek.. Michael then kiss Porsche lips and smile cutely.. Vegas then chuckle while sit behind Porsche while Porsche put Michael to play with Clarissa.. Vegas rub Porsche belly and say.. I love you sweetheart.. Thank you for coming into my life.. Thank you for choosing to stay by my side.. You and our kids are everything to me.. I can't even live without you.. You know that right? Porsche hug Vegas neck and kiss him deeply and say.. I love you more baby.. You give me a new life...thank you for everything too.. No matter what happens between us.. I already made a promise to love you and only you.. Vegas kiss Porsche belly and say.. I can't wait.. Maybe we can have more baby.. Porsche hit Vegas while Vegas put Porsche head on his chest... Vegas then say.. I love you Porsche Kittisawat.. Forever.. Porsche smile and reply.. I love you too.. Forever more my husband.. Vegas Theerapanyakul.. Forever 💕💕

Vegas Theerapanyakul
Porsche Theerapanyakul
Clarissa Theerapanyakul
Michael Theerapanyakul
The End❤️❤️❤️

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