Chapter 15

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Porsche Pov..

Porsche finally arrived at Chiangmai hotel.. Porsche choose private beach.. The reasons why Porsche choose Chiangmai because Porsche really love beach... Porsche then walk slowly and then.. A little girl run towards Porsche... Then an old woman come towards Porsche then see Porsche big belly... An old woman then ask.. My poor child.. Do you mind if i want to touch it... Porsche smile softly and take an old woman hands and put on his big belly.. Then.. That old woman close her eyes and feel the baby is moving.. An old woman say.. The babies is moving my dear.. Im Dorothy.. This little girl is my daughter.. Danaya.. Danaya then help Porsche to take his bag.. Dorothy help Porsche to sit... Dorothy then ask.. What is your name young man? Porsche then reply.. Im Porsche Kittisawat Mrs Dorothy.. Dorothy asking again.. Where is your husband my child... Porsche cry as he hear his beloved husband name..Porsche then reply.. He... He is busy with a work.. I came here for a short vacation.. I already told him... Danaya then reply... Let's go inside.. Danaya then take Porsche bag and go inside..

Vegas Pov

Vegas arrive at main family house.. Vegas get out from the car and run into the house.. Khun then see Vegas then ask..what happen to you? Where is Porsche? Vegas then ask back.. Have you seen him Khun? Kim suddenly appear and reply.. No.. We didn't.. Porchay then come towards them.. Vegas then ask.. Porchay.. Did you know where is Porsche is? Porchay then reply.. Try to go to our old house phi... Khun then ask back... What is happening Vegas? Vegas then reply.. I know Porsche wont betray me... I was stupid to believe Kinn.. I chased Porsche out.. I will go and get him back.. I need to go now... Vegas then leave the main family house and drive to Porsche house.. 10 minutes later.. Vegas arrives at Porsche house.. Vegas ring the bell twice and see no one is coming out.. Suddenly.. An old man appear and ask.. Excuse me sir? Who are you looking for? Vegas turn around and reply.. Im looking for my wife.. His name is Porsche.. An old man suddenly remember then reply... Porsche.. Porsche Kittisawat? Vegas nod and say... Im looking for him right now... Do you know where is he sir? An old man then reply.. Actually.. He came here a few hours ago.. But then.. He asked me to look after this house while he is going for a short vacation.. If im not mistaken.. He said he is going to the beach.. But didn't tell me where is the place.. Vegas then nod and say.. Thank you so much.. I need to go and look for him.. Vegas get into the car and drive and speak in his heart.. Porsche.. Please come back to me sweetheart.. I can't even live without you by my side.. Im truly sorry.. Vegas start to cry as he remembered how bad he was to Porsche last night..

Porsche POV

Dorothy then accompany Porsche with Danaya.. Porsche decided to stay with Dorothy and Danaya for 1 or 2 days... Dorothy wipe a tears on Porsche cheek and hug him then stroke his head gently and say.. Dont cry my child... Im sure your husband will come here to look for you.. I don't know what happened between you and that man... But.. Running away wont solve any problems... Please give your husband a chance na... Think about the babies Porsche... You and your babies need a protection from your husband.. And the right place for a wife is beside a husband.. Porsche cover his face and cry hard... Dorothy rub Porsche belly gently and ask.. What happen child? Danaya then rub Porsche back slowly.. Porsche then reply.. My husband accused me for being cheating.. I only love him. I only allow him to touch me.. Im carrying his babies right now... Thats why I choose to leave.. I leave because I want to avoid from everyone.. From my husband.. Because I always thought that im not good enough for him... I need to go to the hotel.. I didn't want to burden you both.. Porsche suddenly feel a sharp pain and babies.. Whats wrong hmm... Dorothy rub Porsche belly again and again then reply.. Even your babies is angry with you my child... Just stay here ok... Danaya.. Come and help mommy to prepare a food... Porsche then say.. Let me help you... Danaya help Porsche to get up and then start to cook.. 10 minutes later.. Dorothy and Danaya put the food on the table and they start to eat... Danaya then say.. Phi Porsche.. Lets go and play at the beach later.. Or.. We can walk around the beach... Porsche then say.. You should stay inside Danaya.. Accompany your mom.. Porsche continue eating then wash the plate..Porsche then walk around the beach and take some fresh air.. Porsche rub his 7 months old belly and say.. I really miss you so much my husband... How are you doing? Please take care of your self na... Our babies really miss you too.. Porsche feel tears start to fall out from his eyes... Porsche look at the sky and say Dear God.. Please protect my husband.. Where ever he is... Porsche then speak in his heart Vegas... Im at Chiangmai now... I only can pray to God.. So that we can meet again.. Porsche wipe his tears and see the sun is about to go down.. Porsche then go into the house.. Porsche take out his clothes and shower.. Dorothy and Danaya is preparing a room for Porsche to sleep later.. Danaya then say.. Mae.. I feel sorry for Phi Porsche.. Dorothy then reply.. God have a reason why test Porsche.. Because God knows that Porsche is strong enough to face this test.. A few minutes later.. Porsche come out from the bathroom and see the room is already prepared.. Porsche then reply.. Mae.. Danaya.. You both shouldn't burden your self for me.. Porsche starts to feel guilty.. Dorothy kiss Porsche forehead and say.. Now its time to sleep.. Its already 10:30 pm.. Lets sleep ok.. Porsche nod and go to sleep..

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