group project: part 2

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Max, Eva and Vic went into the lair to work on fixing the broken machine together. Amy and Hartley went outside to have a moment to fully reconciliate their friendship and Hartley gave her the cake she had baked for her, and then they went into the living room with Phoebe to do their homework.

"You know, we wouldn't have to meet up here to do our work if they gave us more time at school. It's weird how all the classes at Valley View only last for five minutes before the bell rings" said Phoebe.

"Yeah. Weird" said Amy.
"How were your weekends?" Asked Hartley.
"Mine was great. I stopped some supervillain from pushing her brother off of a tall building" said Phoebe.
"Mine was terrible! Some superhero knocked me unconscious before I could push Jake off of a tall building!" Said Amy.
"Right" said Hartley, "Well, that doesn't make things awkward at all".
"Did you guys see that video where someone clobbered someone at a fast food restaurant just to steal a hamburger?" Asked Phoebe.
Hartley put a jar filled with money labelled 'the violence jar' in front of Amy. This had started out as a joke, with Hartley saying that she ought to start one for her. Amy had responded that it would be one of her proudest moments if she tried it, so she did.
"I'm not responsible for every crime that happens in the area, Hartley" said Amy.
Hartley raised her eyebrows at Amy.
Amy sighed and put a dollar in the jar.
"But yes, I was involved" said Amy.
Hartley put the violence jar away.

"You have a violence jar for Amy?" said Phoebe.

"Why do you think my family can't afford to pay rent?" asked Amy.

"My dad says its because crime doesn't pay" said Phoebe.

"Crime pays exceptionally well if you do it right. My dad once robbed a hundred banks" said Amy.

"And you still can't pay rent?" asked Phoebe.

 "My family can be a little irresponsible with money" said Amy.

 "That irresponsible?" asked Phoebe.

 "In fairness, in the villain league, we had a national holiday every day  where we had to shower our leader in expensive gifts and if we didn't get him enough stuff, we were executed" said Amy.

 "It's starting to sound like you were raised in a cult" said phoebe.

 Hartley covered Amy's ears.

"Phoebe!" said Hartley, "I don't want Amy to find out what a cult is! She'll think its a good idea!" 

 Amy took Hartley's hands off of her ears.

 "I know what a cult is, Hartley. Jake told me it was a type of ice-cream. I'll have you know that I was raised in an organization where we all bowed to one man's authority and did whatever he said without question, thank you very much. Not a kulfi" said Amy. 

  Phoebe went back to working on their schoolwork and opened their Romeo and Juliet textbook. 

"I assume you won't be helping, Amy" said Phoebe, "You probably don't know anything about Romeo and Juliet anyway".

 "Of course I do, It's one of the worlds most famous comedies" said Amy.

 "It's a tragedy" said  phoebe.

 "Then, how come the heroes of it suffer and die at the end?" asked Amy.

 "That's the tragedy" said  phoebe.

 "I found it funny" said Amy.

 "You've really read it? Do you even know how to read?" asked phoebe.

 "Well, I only started going to school a few weeks ago, I skipped most of it, and my parents don't care about my education, sooo... yes, I'm actually very well-versed in Shakespeare. Its one of the many problems with having Jake for a brother, you see" said Amy, "I don't see why you're bothering with this project in the first place. Valley View isn't even your real school. Aren't you supposed to be going home tomorrow?".

 "Hopefully, so long as you behave yourself. My school's doing the same thing and I don't want to fall behind" said phoebe.

 "Stop talking to me, Phoebe, you're giving me a headache" snapped Amy.

"A headache? Have you been drinking enough water?" Asked Hartley.
"Stop telling me to stay hydrated, Hartley. Next, you're going to tell me to stop clobbering people and say that that's not healthy" said Amy.
"Well, if you want to get to it..." said Hartley.
"I don't!" Said Amy.

 "How was your weekend, Hartley?" asked Phoebe.

 "Oh, it was nice. I took my home baked cookies down to an orphanage for the kids, they loved them" said Hartley.

 "Aww, that's so sweet of you" said Phoebe.

 "Too much information, Hartley. I have the decency to shelter you from the details of my crimes. When you tell me stories about you committing random acts of kindness like giving cookies to orphaned children, could you please leave me the room to choose to believe that the mean staff at the orphanage eat them in front of the innocent children and leave them to starve like in the movies?" asked Amy.

 "But we promised not to keep secrets from each other anymore" said Hartley.

 "I'm going to the lair to hang out with Max. He might be annoyingly obsessed with me but at least I don't have to expect this unwholesome wholesomeness from him" said Amy.

"Oh no. You'll be so missed" said Phoebe sarcastically.

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