Evil Science

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Amy was sat down in school with science goggles on and test tubes in front of her. Max walked up to her.

"Max, could you help me with something?" Asked Amy.
"I don't really do the H word" said Max.
"It's for an evil cause" said Amy.
"Then I'm in. What do you need help with?" He asked.
Amy held up a test tube filled with red liquid and pointed towards two more test tubes, one filled with blue liquid and one filled with green liquid.
"Do I mix this with this or this to make kromanite?" Asked Amy.
"Aww, you inherited the mad scientist gene, that's adorable. You mix it with the blue one" said Max.
"If you ever call me adorable again, you're going to end up on my hit list. Yeah, I have one of those" said Amy.
Jake and Hartley walked up to them.
"Amy, you don't have a hit list, you had a piece of paper with the words 'I hate starling' written on it an unhealthy amount of times which, by the way,I threw away" said Hartley.
"Amy, are you doing homework?" Asked Jake in shock.
"No, of course not. I'm making kromanite to drop on Starling's head at CollossaCon" said Amy.
"That's Starling's one weakness, It'll knock her out" said Hartley.
"I know, and in front of all her fans. She'll be humiliated. It's gonna be hilarious" said Amy.
Max nodded.
"That doesn't sound very funny" said Hartley.
"It sounds hysterical to me" said Max.
"Amy, you can't go to CollossaCon. You'd be putting our whole family in danger - especially with the Thundermans there" said Jake.
"Don't worry, I know how to not get caught" said Amy.

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