Fake Amy: Part 2

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Vic zapped Colby and Jake with a  device to switch their powers around. Colby shifted back into his human form. Jake shifted into Amy.
"I'm me again!" Said Colby.
"Don't get used to it, this is only going to last for an hour" said Vic.
"I'm so ugly" said Jake.
"I'm glad you've finally realised it. Enjoy the only hour you're ever going to get of being good looking" said Amy.
Jake, in the form of Amy, left the kitchen to talk with Hank and Barb. Vic, Amy and Colby listened at the door.

"Starling's an amazing superhero. Truth is, I actually really admire her. I know a villain like me doesn't really belong at ColossaCon but I just had to meet her. I'm eternally grateful to her for doing what she does" said Jake.

"He's good at this" said Vic, on the other side of the door.
"I know, I don't know what's more unsettling. Those words coming out of my mouth or Jake being good at something" said Amy.

"Amy, we had no idea" said Hank.
"It's never too late to change. If you ever need any advice from us on how you can improve as a person and be more like Starling, you come and find us and We'll be happy to help, okay?" Said Barb.
"I will do. Thank you so much, Mr and Mrs Thunderman" said Jake.
"It's our pleasure" said Barb.
"We're going to take off now that we've cleared that up but if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come and ask" said Hank.

"Max, we're going now" Barb yelled up the stairs.
Max came down the stairs.
"You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you" said Max.
"Max, we're not leaving you alone in a house full of villains" said Hank.
"I just left my coat in the kitchen" said Max.
"If you're not in the Thundervan in five minutes, you're grounded" said Hank.
Hank and Barb left the house.
"Hi" Max flirted, slipping his arm around Jake in Amy's form.
"What?" Asked Jake confusedly, "Oh. Right. Yes. I'm Amy. The family disappointment" said Jake.
"That's my parent's exact nickname for me, we have so much in common" said Max.

"Wow. They really do have a lot in common" said real Amy in the kitchen, snacking on potato chips as she eavesdropped on the situation that was unfolding in the living room.
"Aren't you going to go in there and tell him that's not you?" Asked Colby.
"No, I want to see how this plays out" said Amy, continuing to snack on potato chips.

The effects of Vic's device were off. Colby shifted into Amy and Jake shifted back into himself.

"Ugh. Just when things were getting interesting" complained Amy. Amy went into the living room.

"Hi, Max" said Amy.

Max looked at Jake.

"You're not Amy" said Max.

"No. But you have very smooth arms" said Jake.

Max took his arm off of Jake and his face went red.
"Sorry about that" Max blushed.
"Don't apologise, that's the most affection he's ever received in his life" said Amy.
"Oh. Then I take back my apology. You're welcome" said Max.
"For what?" Asked Jake.
"My existence" said Max.
"You're starting to remind me of my dad" said Jake.
"This conversation is getting weird" said Max.
"Agreed. Let's move on from it" said Jake.
Jake and Amy went back into the kitchen with Max.
"You're not going to be stuck as Amy, are you?" Vic asked Colby, "That's the last thing we need".
"Excuse me?" Asked Amy offendedly.
Colby tried to transform into something else and landed on Jake.
"Even worse. Three Jakes" said Vic.
"Don't you mean two Jakes?" Asked Jake.
"About that..." said Vic.

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