Super Powers

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"Jake!" Max shouted from across the school hallway. Max walked over to Jake.
"Hey, Max" said Jake awkwardly, unsure of how to approach him after their last meeting.
"You have superpowers" Max stated bluntly.
"What? No I don't" said Jake followed by extremely nervous laughter.
"Oh, yeah, well how do you explain what happened yesterday?" Asked Max.
Jake was quiet for a moment before he thought of a response.
"Oh!It was one of those adrenaline situations! Like when mothers can lift cars off of their children to protect them" said Jake. He had read about something like that happening in the newspaper and had found it utterly fascinating.
"If you say so" said Max rather disappointed, but only half convinced.
Max stuffed his bag into his locker but hadn't noticed that the zip was open and all his things fell on the floor. Max sighed in exasperation and crouched down to gather his things together.
"Damnit! My keys fell under the lockers" Max noticed and tried to reach for them with his fingers but they were too far under for him to reach.
"Here, let me help you with that" said Jake and he absentmindedly lifted up the entire block of lockers with one hand.
Max picked up his keys up and got back on his feet.
"...Thanks..." said Max, looking at Jake with a huge smirk on his face.
"What?" Asked Jake, before he realised what he had done and dropped the lockers back into place.
"...I can explain" said Jake.
"Jake, It's okay. I have superpowers too" said Max.
Max used his ice-breath to demonstrate - which hit a passing teacher, turning her into an ice statue.
"Oops" said Max, and used his fire-breath to unfreeze her.

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