A feud and a lie

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"Mom!" Said Phoebe, pacing up and down the hotel room, "How could you agree to this? I don't like Amy! I don't want to have to spend the evening with her and her family. She's mean and rude and she's all around just not a very nice person".
"Well, what Phoebe wants, Phoebe gets. Let's call and cancel" said Max.
"Max, what are you up to?" Barb frowned.
"I don't know what you're talking about. In fact, I'm offended. Is it really so hard for you to believe that I simply don't want my favourite sister to be unhappy" Max bluffed.
"You understand that that's just making us more suspicious, right?" Said Hank.
"When have I ever lied to you?" Asked Max.
Nora stamped on Max's foot and scowled at him.
"Oww! What was that for?" Said Max.
"Saying that Phoebe's your favourite sister" said Nora, putting on an innocent smile.
"Nora, I was obviously lying!" Max complained.
"Max, whatever you're up to, could we deal with it later? We don't want to cause any trouble for the Maddens" said Hank.
"...Riiiiight. Okay. Fine" said Max.
"And Phoebe, could you at least try to be civil towards Amy? Eva sounded so lovely on the phone and I'd like us all to be able to get along" said Barb.
"She's the one who isn't civil towards me!" Said Phoebe.
"I don't care who started it - would you just set your feud aside for one evening?" said Barb.
"Alright, I'll try if it matters to you, Mom" Phoebe sighed.

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