Dinner with the Thundermans: Part 2

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Billy and Nora had gone exploring the house.
Jake was having a conversation with Hank, Barb and Phoebe.
"I trust everyone's getting along?" Asked Eva worriedly.
"Yes. You've raised a lovely son, Mrs Madden" said Barb.
Eva leaned closer towards her husband.
"...We have?" She whispered even more worriedly.
"It's gotten so bad he's being called 'lovely' by superheroes" Vic whispered back.
"Where didn't we go wrong?" Eva replied quietly.
Hartley leaned over Vic and Eva's shoulders.
"You know, to those of us who don't enjoy terrorising innocent people for fun, 'lovely' is considered a good thing - and if you're going to whisper things to each other every time they say something, the Thundermans are going to get suspicious" said Hartley.
Eva smiled back at Barb.
"...Thank You" said Eva uncomfortably, "You haven't".
"Has Max been causing trouble again? I'm so sorry. He's going through a phase right now" said Barb.
"It's not a phase, Mom!" Said Max.
"What I meant was, you ...have? I mean,we like your son too" said Eva.
"Oh. Want to swap?" Asked Barb jokingly.
"...We could really do that?" Asked Eva, her interest piqued.
"No. I was kidding" said Barb.
"Of course. So was I" said Eva.
What is wrong with you, Mom?" Asked a very unimpressed Jake.
"I'm not saying I would do it, I'm just saying it would be nice to have the option" said Eva, patting him on the shoulder.
Eva started setting the table. Hartley set the drinks down.
"Amy, would you go and get cutlery?" Asked Eva.
"I would but it would go against my beliefs" said Amy.
"What beliefs?" Asked Eva
"I believe in being as unhelpful as possible" said Amy.
"You've got one of those too, huh?" Hank asked Eva.
"You - truly - have no idea"  said Eva.
" I'll go and get the cutlery for you, Mom" said Jake and got up to fetch them.
"Well, I know you will" said Eva, rolling her eyes.
Jake came back from the kitchen with knives and forks.
The Maddens, Hartley and the Thundermans went to sit down to dinner, excluding Billy, Nora and Colby.
"Mrs Madden, don't you have another son? Where's he?" Asked Barb.
"He's ...uhh - he's on vacation" said Eva.
"Dead - it's tragic - we're all very sad about that" said Vic.
"Having so much fun on vacation - that he could die - from happiness- which would make us sad if he did" said Eva.
"...Right" said Barb confusedly.
There was a silence between the Maddens and the Thundermans that went on for long enough that it became uncomfortable.
"So,Mr and Mrs Thunderman, where are you from?" Asked Hartley.
"We moved to Hiddenville from Metroburg last year after we retired" said Barb.
" I once knew someone from Metroburg. I didn't care for her much" said Eva.
"What about you, that's an english accent, right?" Asked Barb.
"Umm...Is England ruled by an evil overlord?" Asked Eva.
"Starling stopped Havoc from taking it over, remember?" Said Barb.
Amy stabbed her fork down on the table aggressively.
"That's not something that I'd like to remember" said Amy.
"Right. Of course. Sorry, Amy, I didn't mean to upset you" said Eva.
"Why would that upset Amy, who has absolutely no relation to either Starling or Havoc?" Said Jake through gritted teeth, taking Amy's fork away from her under the table.
"I was this close to having my own kingdom" whispered Amy, making a small gap between her finger and thumb nail.
Hank and Barb shared confused glances.
"What did you retire from?" Hartley asked.
"Why would you ask them that, Hartley?" Said Amy, "You know - because that could be a deeply personal question for you guys" said Amy.
"It could be a deeply personal question for us! Thank you, Amy" said Hank.
"No, it's fine. We were - umm - we were electricians" said Barb.
I took a job as a substitute science teacher for a bit last year - but that didn't last because apparently you need a license to teach" said Hank.
"No way! I'm a sub science teacher as well. They don't actually make you get a license - you just need a photocopier and - I mean, you should have done things the legal way like I did, You criminal!"  Said Vic.
"Hank, could you go and find Billy and  Nora?" Asked Barb.
"But, food" said Hank.
At that moment, Billy and Nora came into the dining area with panicked expressions on their faces.
"Oh, thank god. Now I don't have to get up" said Hank.
"Dad, these people have a bunch of weapons in their basement" said Nora.
The Maddens, Hartley and Max gave each other worried glances.
"I don't know what the child's talking about" said Eva.
"Also, we had a full conversation with a towel" said Billy, holding the towel in his hand.Eva quickly rushed over to get Colby away from Billy.
"Colby, what are you playing at?" Asked Eva.
"Sorry, Mom. It's really hard to see who I'm talking to without eyes" said Colby.
Eva stuffed Colby into a cupboard.
"Oww! Mom, that hurt!" Said Colby.
"What  the - who are you talking to?" Asked Hank.
"Me" said Amy.
Amy used her vocal manipulation to mimic Colby's voice, "Mom, It hurts that...well frankly, that you'd let these people into our house".
"Your mouth wasn't moving" said Phoebe.
"I'm a ventriloquist" said Amy.
"The house is haunted" said Vic at the same time.
"I was teaching the ghosts ventriloquistm" said Amy.
"I don't see any ghosts" said Barb.
"Well, duh. That's because they're invisible" said Amy.
"Not to us. We're able to see ghosts because - I mean, you expect me to believe in ghosts?" Said Barb.
Eva used her powers to make the lights flicker.
"Well, how do you explain that if it's not a ghost?" Said Eva.
"I saw that. And I'd recognise that red lightning anywhere- Blackout" said Barb.
Wait, who's Blackout?" Asked Jake.
"When your mother first started out as a villain, that's what she was known as - and Electriss' mortal enemy" said Vic.
Barb zapped Eva with her powers.
"Electriss!" Eva hissed.
Eva grabbed the underside of the table and tried to lift it but it wouldn't budge.
"Jake,help me flip the table over! I'm trying to make a point about how angry I am" Said Eva.
"No" said Jake.
"You know, a good person would help his mother" said Eva.
"Hartley, Is that true?" Asked Jake.
"The thing about flipping the table over or the thing about helping your mother? Because those are two different answers" said Hartley.
"Well, that's just confusing" said Jake.

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