Valley View

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The thunder family checked in to the hotel in Texas that they were staying in for the next few weeks.
Max threw his luggage on the floor whilst Phoebe neatly unpacked her belongings and Hank and Barb helped the two younger children with their things.
"This is a nice place" said Phoebe, acknowledging the impressively clean state of the place and reaching under her well-stuffed pillow to find a wrapped mint.
"I know" said Hank begrudgingly, "No-one buy any snacks from here, these fancy places are always over priced"!
"Anyway...When do I meet Starling?" Phoebe asked excitedly.
"You'll meet her this weekend at CollossaCon" said Hank.
There was a sound of a zip and the family turned around to see a rabbit's head poking out of Max's backpack.
"Did someone say Colosso Con"?
"No, Colosso. ColossaCon is a convention for superheroes... Wait, Colosso, what are you doing here?" Said Phoebe.
"Yeah, colsso, what are you doing here? Did I accidentally throw you in my backpack when I was packing my clothes? You should have said something" said Max.
Phoebe raised an eyebrow at Max.
"Really? That's what you're going with?" She asked dryly.
"It's not my fault. He wanted to come. What was I supposed to do, say no?" said Max.
" Yes, Max. Yes, that is exactly what you should have done" Phoebe responded.
"Convention for superheroes? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard" said the villainous bunny.
"If you'd let us get a word in" said Barb, "we don't want you kids to miss school whilst we're away".
"And, the supervillains Havoc and Chaos are both suspected to be around high school age and haven't been seen in a while so it's be a good place to start looking" added Hank.
"Which is why we've enrolled you in school here" Barb finished.
"Does that include us" asked Billy worriedly, pointing to himself and Nora.
"No, Billy. We figured at your age that missing a few weeks of school couldn't hurt too much" said Barb.
"I don't think that any real supervillain would go to school, Dad" said Max skeptically.
"You go to school" Phoebe pointed out, "...So, I guess you're right" she smirked.

Thunder and Evil (The Thundermans and Villains of Valley View Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now