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It's a double update so if ur here before reading Chapter 32... go back back.


"Are you on your way ? If you are late she's going to lose her mind." Kyrie spoke over the phone as Amiri turned into the street of Kayla her school.

"Relax I'm here, why you on my line anyway ? Don't you have to study ?" Amiri asked turning into the school parking lot.

"I'm just making sure you don't forget about my sister."

"That's lil sis, you know I won't forget about her." Amiri shook his head, he parked the car and looked out the window squinting his eyes at the way too familiar girl.

"Why the fuck is she talking to a boy ?!"

"Aww my little sister growing up." Kyrie pouted on the other line.

"Aw hell naw." He pressed the red button on his screen ending the call, before he started honking his car to get Kayla her attention.

At the first honk she didn't even look up as she giggled at something the boy in front of her said, Amiri couldn't see the boy his face since he was looking at his back.




Kayla finally turned her attention away from the boy and frowned as she saw Amiri, he threw his hands up.

The boy turned around and Amiri his eyes widened, Jessi.

Ghost his little brother.

Kayla felt her cheeks flush from embarrassment, Amiri washed as she hugged Jessi before she made her way towards Amiri's car.

He reached over and opened her door.

"Did you really have to embarrass me like that ?!" The moment she sat down buckled up she hit his shoulder.

"Keep your hands to yourself, why are you talking to that boy ?" Amiri asked before a knock came from his window, he looked to the side seeing the school principal standing there.

"Mr. Shakur, nice to see you again. Do you have 5 minutes ?" The Principal asked after Amiri rolled the window down.

"Yeah, wassup."

"We are looking for a new counselor, I wanted to contact you but now that you are here I can ask you face to face. The students need someone who they can trust, and you will get paid don't worry." The principal said, Amiri was kinda shocked.

"No, please no !" Kayla cried being dramatic.

"You know what, yes. I'll do it." Amiri nodded.

"Great, I'll give you a call, and we'll figure out a schedule that fits with your classes."


The principal left and Amiri turned to Kayla.

"Who is the boy to you ?" He demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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