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As the two walked into the school, it was like everyone inside the hallway stopped what they were doing and averted their attention to them. It didn't help that they were holding each other's hands while walking in.

Amiri tried to get his hand back because he started to feel anxious about the stares, Kyrie caught on.

"What's wrong ?" She stopped him from walking further.

"Everyone is staring." He looked down nervously.

"I'm sorry, I wish they would stop." She looked around her and sure did, everyone was staring.

"Can you all stop ?" She snapped at two girls that were pointing fingers at them.

"Hey, it's okay. It just makes me feel nervous, I'm not comfortable being stared at." He shook his head, grabbing Kyrie's hand again and intertwining their fingers.

"But I got you." He added.

"You do, now you want to go sit in the library ?" She asked, and he nodded, they walked to the library holding hands.

They sat down and people were still looking at them, by now it started to annoy Kyrie too.

"These people really don't know how to mind their business." She shook her head.

"They just don't expect me with you, I mean, if someone would've told me we would be cool a month ago I wouldn't believe it either." He chuckled.

"You are not that bad to hang out with." She teased him.

"You want to repeat that ?" He smirked while poking her side.

"Stop it, I'm ticklish." She giggled, swatting his hands away.

"So, how are you feeling ?" He wondered where her head was now that they were inside the school building.

"I don't know, I think it helps that you are here. Ain't no way I would've been this calm on my own, so thank you." She smiled at him.

"Same here, we don't have our classes together but when something is wrong just text me and we getting out of here okay ?" He raised his eyebrow at her, and she nodded her head, she looked around the library, feeling happy that the attention wasn't on them anymore.

"Hey, what are you doing after school ?" She wondered, she knew she had to practice, but after that she was free.

"Nothing really, waiting on you in practice." He said.

"You want to go over to my house after school ? We can play 2K." She smiled, his eyes widened in admiration. Yeah, he definitely found his match.

"You sure your mom not tired of me yet ? You know, I kinda brought her daughter home high." He smirked, she rolled her eyes.

"They didn't even notice, my mom loves you. She said you are always welcome." She said.

"Really ?" He was shocked.

"Yes, and my sister too." She rolled her eyes.

The bell rung and the two of them stood up.

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