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"Mom, how do I look ?" Kyrie stepped into the living room where her mom and dad were watching TV, her mom jumped up with a smile while her dad looked at her with his mouth dropped open.

"You look beautiful, oh my God, right honey ?" Kyrie's mother looked her up and down, the dress she was wearing fitted her perfectly and her hair was curly. She hoped she didn't do too much, since Amiri didn't want to give away any hints about what he was planning for them.

"Dequan." Kyrie's mother called her father by his first name.

"Yeah, she looks... Wauw you look beautiful princess." Her father looked at her, and she smiled, his little girl was really growing up.

"Thank you."

The doorbell rang, Kyrie's eyes widened as she turned to her mother.

"He's here, oh my God. He's here." She stressed, and her dad stood up from the couch.

"I'll go and open the door."

"Dad, please don't scare him." Kyrie whined.

"Girl bye, just so you know I am the one who gave him permission to ask you on a date." Her dad waved her off before he disappeared into the hallway to go and let Amiri in.

"Mom, I'm freaking out. Help me." Kyrie looked at her mother with a horrified look, it was her first date ever, and she was scared.

"Okay, listen. Calm down, it will all be okay." Her mother tried to calm her down.

"What if I mess things up ?" Kyrie asked.

"You know on my first date I was very nervous, but he was such a gentleman. He brought me flowers, took me out to the beach, and we kissed. It was so special." Her mom smiled thinking back.

"Aww, what happened ?" Kyrie asked wondering where the boy is now.

"We married, have two beautiful kids that are growing up way too fast for my liking."

"You mean to say dad did something romantic ?" Kyrie's eyes widened.

"Princess, Amiri is waiting." Her dad came into the living room.

"She's almost ready." Her mother nodded her head, her dad disappeared back into the hallway.

"Are you ready ?" Her mom looked at her oldest.

"I am." Kyrie smiled nodding her head.

Amiri and her father were in a conversation while Kyrie stepped into the hallway, she looked him over and felt her heart flutter because of how good he looked. She noticed the red roses in his hands and smiled.

Amiri felt another presence in the hallway and his head turned to look at Kyrie, his world stopped and his mouth dropped. Kyrie's father smirked at the look on Amiri his face.

She looked gorgeous, the most beautiful girl Amiri had ever seen was standing right in front of him. He couldn't help but feel his throat get dry once he stepped forward and handed her the roses.

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