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"You guys are finally here, oh my God baby you can't believe what just happened." Kyrie's mom met the two at the door, they just arrived back from Kyrie's session and were confused as to why they needed to come home so fast.

"What's going on mom ?" Kyrie was getting worried.

"Let's go to the living room, I want you to meet someone."

Amiri and Kyrie followed behind her mother, stepping into the living room. A brown man was sitting on their living room couch in a suit chatting with her father.

Kyrie her father looked up.

"Oh you guys are here, Kyrie this is Mr Samir." Her father introduced.

"Nice to meet you my name is Ali Samir, I represent USC women basketball team. The school sent me to propose a deal." He said and Kyrie raised her eyebrow.

"Our coaches, school board and school doctors sat down to look into your hospital report, it said that you are in PR right now is that right ?"

"Yes that's right, we just came back from a session." Kyrie nodded eagerly wanting to know what USC wanted to propose to her.

"Well, our doctors believe to get you back faster with their plan. They want to sit down with the hospital's doctors to work with them on your case, don't worry it's not rushed you will be fully healed. In exchange, we want you to represent our school and take us to the national championship in May."

Kyrie's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

"Wha- what ?"

"We got a whole roster full of young girls with a dream like you, young girls with talent and hunger, and we will have them ready once you return for you to join in and lead those girls to a championship." Mr Samir nodded his head.

"This is amazing." Amiri smiled at Kyrie.

"You guys have no doubts about me ?" Kyrie raised her eyebrow, her self trust got broken down when the last school dropped her for an accident she had no control over.

"We don't have doubts about anyone we bring on the roster, we trust everyone we give a chance."


"So what do you say ?"

Kyrie looked at her parents who held a proud smile on their face, they knew everything was going to be alright. She looked at Amiri who nodded his head.

"Yes !"

"Great, I'll get the papers ready." Mr Samir smiled.

"We have to celebrate." Kyrie's dad jumped up running into the kitchen to get a bottle of champagne.

"Where is Kayla ?" Kyrie frowned.

"She's upstairs, I need to go get her." Her mother was about to stand up but Amiri stopped her.

"I'll go get her."

Amiri walked upstairs towards Kayla her room, he stopped in his tracks hearing sobbing sounds coming from her bedroom.

Knocking on the door, he heard shuffling on the other side and frowned. The door opened and Kayla stuck her head out.

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