Oh no!

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I kissed him so hard I almost knocked him over. He stepped back embracing me in his arms. I don't know why I'm doing this, I just love him so much, I thought I had to. I wrapped one arm around his neck and rested the other on his chest. We backed up against the living room couch then he plopped down. I crawled on top of him and we continued to kiss. Then that's when he stopped.
" Wait Alex I can't do this." he said pushing me off. He stood up and ran his hands through his hair while I continued to sit.
" What's wrong? Don't you want this?" I asked.
" I do, but I cant do it when I know you don't want it too." he had a point there. I sighed then began playing with my hands.
" You still have a lot of thinking to do." he told me. " Next time we hopefully do this, I want both of us to enjoy it."
" I know." I said. I stood up and kissed his cheek. " Thanks."
" Yeah." I smiled then walked out his house. He stopped me on my way down the street.
" I want to hang out again after school." he said and I nodded.
" Sure where?"
" Anywhere."
I knew what he meant. We always just love to hang out even if we're really bored. I smiled then went home.

" Hi Alex!" Some girl called to me as I walked down the hall. All I could think was, Who is she? No one says hi to me. Another thought came to mind. Maybe they found out that I'm dating Jacob.
" Hey Alex! I saw you on television last night." Another girl said to me.
Oh. My. Gosh. Jacob must have told. I walked up to Malcolm who was just opening his locker. I slammed it shut so he could pay attention to me.
" What is everyone talking about?"
" What do you mean?"
" Everyone's saying that I'm on television."
" Oh yeah Mindless Behavior was on some girl named Rocsi's show last night. I don't know I was flipping through the channels and came across it."
And why was my name involved?"
" Because Jacob told everyone your dating." he said dryly. I knew it bothered him but now is not the time to worry about me and Malcolm's relationship. I have to focus on Me and Jacob's for a second. Since he announced it on television, that means our relationship is public!
" Oh god I have to call Jacob." I said walking out the front doors. I ran into the courtyard and pulled out my phone. I dialed Jacob's number.
" Hey its Princeton can't come to the phone right-"
" Darn it!" I dialed it again. Still no answer. Where could he be? I put my phone away then walked back in school. I took my books out of my locker than slammed in with frustration. I walked to my classroom then realized I missed the late bell. I walked in.
" Um stand outside because your late." my teacher said and I sighed loudly.
This is the worst day so far...

As soon as I got home I called Jacob again.
" Hey babe."
" Don't hey babe me, where have you been?"
" What do you mean?"
" I mean I called you several times today."
" Oh I'm sorry, I must have been in rehearsal."
" Oh."
" So what's up?"
" People keep saying you mentioned my name on television."
" Oh yeah I did you must have missed it."
" Well yeah!"
" It's okay I'll tell you what I said."
" Okay."
" I told everyone that.."
" Uh huh..?"
" That....I really love you."
..........Oh no

How is this goin to work
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Stay fabulous 😖😓😫

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