Date two

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Chapter 5


The next day Malcolm picked me up to walk to school as usual. We were half way there before the boys and their "New Driver" pulled up around the corner.
" Hey!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned to see Jake sticking his head out the car. " Want a ride?"
I looked at Malcolm and we both shrugged. We walked over to the car and hopped in.
" Hi." Jacob said again. I just smiled then nodded as the other boys said hi.
" This is Roc, Ray and Prodigy." Jake said pointing to them.
" I'm Alex, and this is Malcolm." I told them and they all said hey. There was an awkward silence in the car and all I wanted to do was escape. I felt this uncomfortable vibe in the air. As soon as we pulled up to my school, me and Malcolm got out quickly.
" Well thanks for the ride." I said smiling at Jacob and paying attention to no one else.
" So can I have another date with you?" Jake asked.
" Um, sure when?"
" How about next Saturday?" he suggested. " I have to record this Saturday."
" Yeah ok." I said closing the door. I ran up to Malcolm who was waiting for me.

" I am not dissecting a frog." I told my teacher as he placed the experiment on my desk.
" Do you want to fail?" he asked.
" Well no-"
" Then I suggest you pay attention." he said. " It's not that bad. You'll be fine."
" Speak for yourself." I said as he walked away. I put my goggles on and picked up the instructions paper. " I'm not doing this, I'll just tell you what to do." I said to Malcolm.
" No way! Your doing this, I ain't touching this thing!" he exclaimed.
" Oh fine, wimp." I teased.
" That's ok, I don't mind being a wimp." he said.
" Jake would do it." I said. I knew he would feel appalled about me comparing him to Jake. He snatched the tools and began cutting into the frog. I laughed but then stopped when the aroma of the frog rose into my nose.
" Trash cans right here if anyone needs it." the teacher called out. I felt nauseous. I had to get out of there. I raised my hand and instantly the teacher saw me.
" What's wrong Alex?" he asked in a dry tone.
" I need to get out of here." I said.
" Ok, here's a hall pass." he said I got up and took it. I walked out the room and went straight to the bathroom I was sick in the toilet then I washed my face. When I came out Malcolm was standing there.
" You ok?" he asked.
" Yeah, how did you get out?"
" I snuck out with a group of other kids that had to barf."
" Oh." I said leaning against the wall next to him. " I hate school."
" I know." he said. He focused his eyes on me.
" What?" I asked.
" Nothing, your just really pretty." he said. Wow, I wasn't expecting that.
" Thanks, why do you say that?" I asked freaked out by the comment.
" Cause that's what I think." he said.
" Oh."
There was a long awkward silence after he said that. I didn't know what to say. My best friend just called me pretty for the first time. I never knew he thought that.
" I'm gonna get back to class." I told him. I smiled unconsciously, then walked back to class leaving him in the hall way.

" I have a date tonight." I said to Malcolm as we walked into a corner store. I had to pick up some tooth paste and milk for the house.
" You, have a date? With who?" he asked.
" Jacob."
" Oh, right Jacob." he said in a sarcastic tone.
" You don't like him do you?" I asked but I already knew the answer.
" I don't trust him." he said turning to face me.
" He's a really nice guy." I said.
" Yeah, all that matters is that you like him...I guess." he said. I smiled then grabbed a carton of milk.
" I can't believe your going on a date." he said. " What are you gonna wear this time? A dress?" he chuckled a little.
" Shut up, maybe, most likely no though." I said.

" Your going on another date sweetie?" my mom asked me, barging into my room.
" Um, yeah." I said uncomfortable with her presence. " Can I have some privacy now?"
" Oh yeah sure." she said walking out closing the door behind her. I wore a pair of blue jeans and a blouse. I was gonna wear a t-shirt but I thought...naw. I heard the door ring and I rushed down to answer it.
" Hey Jake." I said when I saw him wearing a black shirt and blue jeans.
" Hey you look great." he complimented me.
" Yeah ok." I said walking out closing the door.
" You do. " I just smiled then followed him to the car.
" Where we going?" I asked.
" You'll see." he said. I got in the car and sat next to a window. I looked out sort of avoiding conversation with Jake. I was never good with conversing during car rides. I just watched as the trees past by in clumps. The sun was disappearing but the light still shined. I felt a warm hand grab mine. I smiled when I saw Jakes hand. His hand was somewhat different from Malcolm. Malcolm's hand was colder and more rough and firm. Jacob's hand was soft and warm with a sort of soothing feeling added when you touched it.

I guess there are some difference's between the two.

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