Paint ball fight yay!!

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Chapter 6


" Here we are." Jacob said getting out the car. He opened my door and let me out. I looked around to see just a house.
" It's a house." I said confused.
" I know, this where our dates gonna be." he said leading me up to the door. He took out a pair of keys and opened the door. He obviously came here a lot if he had a pair of keys. We walked in and I saw three boys playing a game on television. It looked like some sort of basketball video game.
" Hey guys." Jake said calmly and the boys turned their heads to see me. It was Ray, Roc and Prodigy.
" Hey Alex." Roc said getting up leaving the game controller on the couch.
" Hey! We're in the middle of this!" Ray exclaimed he must really love his games. Anyway, Roc hugged me with two arms and Prodigy side hugged me. I felt nervous around them and kind of left out once they sat down and began talking. I honestly just wanted to blend in with the walls. Jacob sat close to me on another couch while he talked to Prodigy. So far the dates been kind of awkward for me. I just sat there and smiled. For the first time in my life I actually sat up straight. Unbelievable right? Finally Jacob took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back in my pleasant way. I acted as if I was enjoying myself.
" So how old are you?" Ray asked with his eyes still on the screen.
" Fourteen, I'll be fifteen next month." I said avoiding eye contact with Roc or Prodigy.
" That's cool, I'm already fifteen." Ray said. " I'll be sixteen soon."
" Cool." I had had to keep my nice girl act on. I felt more comfortable around Malcolm though.
" You ok?" Jake asked me.
" Yup." I said as he rubbed my hands. Second date and I've already met his best friends.
" Ok, done." Ray said putting the controller down. " Let's go."
" Dang, he beat me again!" Prodigy said most likely pissed off.
" Don't feel bad, I beat everyone." Ray said trying cheer him up. Prodigy just glared at him for a sec.
" Ok lets go." Jacob said taking my hand.
" Where we going?"
" To our real date." he said. " Well you'll be hanging out with four boys today."
Can I handle that? I thought. The boys led me out to the car again and we hopped in. We rode for about a half hour and the boys were loud in the car. It was as if I had four older brothers. Jacob included. Malcolm was always so calm and quiet. I didn't have to tell him to shut up ever. This was going to take some adjusting. We arrived at this place and I saw the name " Fun with Paint Guns."
Oh God. I thought.
" You ready to have some fun?" Jacob asked me and I nodded hoping out the car. I'm glad I haven't washed my hair yet. We walked in and grabbed these safe outfit/coats to wear while playing. I tied my hair up and put my goggles on. A guy told me to stand in an entrance on the other side of the room while the boys had their own entrances.
" I just want to let you all know that I always win!" I heard Prodigy scream.
" No way man Ima beat you." Roc said. " How bout you Alex?"
" I've gotta say I'm pretty good at this." Me and Malcolm used to come here all the time about a year ago. I don't know why we stopped. I heard a buzzer go of and the color lights started streaming. I entered and looked around me. I saw a flash run by behind a wall. I followed it and found Ray hiding behind a huge block. I shot my paint and it flew onto his head.
" Gotcha." I said and ran away as he brushed it off his face. I hid in a slot in the wall and waited for someone to pass. Roc passed and I shot him in the stomach with paint then again in the face. I laughed then ran. Unfortunately he got me with paint on the back but I got away before he could get more. I ran into Jacob and he held up his gun.
" Really?" I asked.
" Well, since you're my date I guess-" I cut him off by shooting him with green paint in the head. He gasped as I laughed.
" You got a little stuff on your face there." I teased then ran away. During this game I got hit by Ray twice and Jake and Prodigy three times, yet no one has hit my face. That was good so at least my vision was clear and not blurry. I shot paint at Jake again and he ran after me and soon caught me. He pressed me up against the wall and we had a little make out session. To end it, I splattered paint on his head then ran. This was actually really fun.

" That was great." Roc said as we got into the car.
" Yeah, it was." I said getting in. " No one got my face though."
" Definitely next time." Ray said.
" We have to do this again." Prodigy said. I laughed then just enjoyed the car ride a little more now that I could join in on their conversation. Once I arrived home I began to open the door.
" You want me to walk you up?" Jake asked.
" No that's ok." I said pecking him on the lips. The other boys ooed and I just shook my head and laughed lightly embarrassed. I slammed the door and turned around to see Malcolm.
" Damn, you scared me." I said.
" We have to talk." he said. Jake rolled down his window.
" Hey Malcolm." he said smiling. He just waved quickly without smiling and no eye contact. The car pulled off and I waved to the boys.
" What's up?" I asked.
" I really need to tell you something." he said. " It's important."
" Ok, well come on." I said as we walked into the house.

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