Chapter 29

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We have been flying for a while now and Logan is really speeding with this thing.

"Oh, yeah! This thing cooks!" Wolverine exclaimed excitedly and sped up even more.

"Heard that metallic sound? We are breaking off! I know it!" Todd screamed and I laughed.

He was overreacting.

"Couldn't be, this baby is built without any metal," Logan said and grinned, enjoying Todd's reaction.

Todd eyes widened.

"None?! And we are flying with what?! Cheap plastic!? I need an air sick bag," Todd said and me and the guys tried to keep our laughter under control.

"I got something huge on the scanner, Asteroid M, 460 miles away and closing" Mystique said and Logan sped up with determination.

-Time Skip-

We reached the location and I could see through the window a huge rock floating in the air.

It's construction was on a rock, but it was completely made out of metal. Metal pipes were also sticking out of the asteroid.

The environment around us was freezing cold and beneath the asteroid there was an area covered in snow. I am not sure where we are but if I had to guess, I'd say Alaska.

At the construction there was an entrance that resembles a balcony, a huge one.

Then two men walked out and into that balcony.

They both had white hair, similar shade to Pietro's and even whiter if possible. They wore leather one-piece suits, both were muscular in build, but one of them seemed familiar.

The first man's hands begun glowing red with some kind of energy as if he was ready to release a blast.

And then the other man's eyes lit up bright red and my eyes widened.

"Scott?" I asked in disbelief.

"What Scott? Where?" Kurt asked looking out of the window. Evan and Todd followed his lead.

"Oh no," Todd said once he saw them and I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean 'oh no'?" Evan asked and Todd looked at us all with disappointment before answering.

"He used the cauldron," he spoke and I let out a gasp.

"Okay, I thought you said this thing made them stronger not another person," Kurt said shocked, not able to recognize Scott.

"Yes, he is making them stronger by getting rid of their emotions while also enhances their abilities," Mystique explained and I felt myself holding my breath.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

That means now Scott cannot feel anything? At all?

My question was answered once Scott and the other man blasted the wings of the jet off.

Logan acted quickly and crushed the jet into the construction getting in by the entrance the boys were at.

They ran, trying not to get hit, but once the jet broke into the main area of the building, they got buried under rocks that fell from the crush.

Everyone was looking at the jet as I phased Wolverine and myself out, Kurt teleported himself and Evan and Mystique with Todd broke the window, walking out.

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