Chapter 27

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I woke up today thinking I would relax with the others in the living room, with the TV on, just like we do almost every day, right?


The Professor out of the blue announced that the Cerebro had located Scott's long-lost brother, in Hawaii of all places.

Alex Summers.

Scott and I both had thought that his brother was dead.

Scott had told me the story once, of how he lost his brother and his parents.

He was 7 years old when it happened. He and his parents were going on a trip to Hawaii and by some accident, their plane caught fire, leaving no other survivors except for Scott, but as it seems, he thought wrong.

Apparently, Alex is a mutant too, but the professor isn't sure exactly what his ability is yet.

Scott freaked out when he heard the news. I've never seen him this happy before, although guilt was evident in his expression.

I can't even imagine what he feels like, to find his only remaining family again, his brother, I bet it is the best feeling in the world.

I can't believe it Scott is finally going to reunite with his brother, I get chills only at the thought. It feels surreal.

Words can't describe how happy I am for him.

Too bad Jean was out with Duncan and didn't get the news. I bet she would be happy too.

Storm also wasn't home, but I was not sure where she was at.

The Professor had told us to meet him and Logan at the jet, so we could all fly together to Hawaii and meet the Summer's brother from up close.

Which really didn't sit right with me, this was a very overwhelming moment in Scott's life, maybe it would be better if he didn't reunite with his brother, who he hadn't seen in ten years, in front of a whole crowd.

I thought and as if I knew when Evan, Rogue and I arrived, the jet was gone along with Scott, Logan and the Professor on board.

"Hey! Where are they? I thought we were going together to Hawaii!" Evan whined and crossed his arms to his chest.

Kurt teleported and we watched with wide eyes.

"Here I am! Ready to give my all to the mission! Hula-hula!" He said dancing and we burst out laughing.

He had his image inducer on, and was dressed like a tourist going on vacation, with a ridiculous green hat, a floral green shirt and his swim trunks instead of the pair of pants he had on before. To top it off, his eyes were covered by black sunglasses.

He abruptly stopped dancing once he noticed the missing jet.

"Oh man! " Kurt said in disappointment.

"They totally ditched us," Rogue said and I could hear anger in her voice.

I placed my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Hey, do not blame Scott. He is finally meeting his brother after ten years! If I were him, I wouldn't want a crowd either," I said and they all nodded in understanding.

What Scott is going through right now must be really difficult.

After a few seconds of silence had passed Kurt locked his fingers together, catching our attention.

"Hey! I am thinking, Hawaii isn't the only place with beaches, right?" He asked, his German accent more audible now.

He stood there waiting for us to respond.

"Are you saying ..." I began, but drifted off. He seemed to get my point and nodded with a smirk on his face.
I smirked back at him while Rogue and Evan looked at us confused.

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