Chapter 28

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I felt myself slowly gaining consciousness, like waking up from a deep slumber.

I tried opening my eyes, but that only sent waves of pain to my head.

I groaned as I heard a ringing noise and reached for my head, only to touch some kind of fabric.

I was finally able to open my eyes, but shut them quickly as I was blinded by the light of the sun.

I opened them again, this time covering them with my hands so I could slowly get used to the brightness again.

I finally pulled my hands away only to close them yet again as I could tell nothing apart other than black spots and blurred images. I blinked a couple of times before I could see clearly, 

I was in the passenger seat of a car, the first thing that came to mind was how I ended up here.

I remembered Lance carrying me to the seat, but nothing more.

I looked up and was met with the car’s mirror.

I stared at my reflection, blood was running down the side of my head. Although, a fabric had been wrapped around my injury, preventing most of the blood from flowing out.

I reached up and wiped some blood away with the cloth and removed it from my head.

Then something else caught my eye, through the mirror I could see Evan passed out, laying in the back seats.

His shirt was removed, probably because he threw up on it when we were fighting the brotherhood.

The memory of Lance crashing my head to the car flashed through my mind.

I shook away the thought of him and opened the door and stepped out slowly as I felt my body heavy, my eyes half closed. It seemed hard to keep them open.

This wasn't a new feeling for me, most likely a concussion, I’ve had a lot of those in my life.

When I walked out, I also realized how hot and sweaty I was, my clothes were literally sticking onto my skin.
I pulled my shirt off and threw it in the car, leaving me only with my shorts and my one-piece swimsuit.

"Wow, she's alive," I heard Toad say and turned to him with a gasp.

He was in a distance with Kurt at his side.

I began walking up to them but Kurt teleported to me before I could.

"Katzchen, are you okay? " He asked quickly and I nodded.

"I am okay, what about you ?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"I am okay, I am going to be okay," he said and his eyes moved to my wound and sighed in disappointment.

"It's still bleeding," he stated and moved my head a little so he could take a closer look.

"Kurt, I am fine, I promise, I am okay," I said grabbing his hands, pulling them away from my face and holding them into my palms.

He gave in and just hugged me, but he wasn't comforting me.

It wasn't that kind of a hug, he needed comfort himself and I was more than glad to give it to him.

"Hey, elf, it's okay, we are going to be okay," I whispered into his neck and he hugged me tighter.

"When I woke up, I found no one. I thought...  I thought I lost you guys! You, Evan and Rogue, but then I found Todd and he told me that he moved Evan into the car and that you were there too.” He stopped for a moment and then continued.

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