Chapter 24

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Author Note : discretion is advised, contains graphic scenes of violence.

I opened my eyes and I was shocked to be greeted by her.

I knew this was another dream, but I felt conscious.

This hasn't happened before. I was surprised, but felt calm inside this dream for the first time in forever.

She was surrounded by darkness, but I couldn't help but notice the light that surrounded me.

She stood straight letting her blonde almost white hair fall on her shoulders.

She wore a white dress that reached her ankles with short sleeves that reached her shoulders.

I felt her bright blue eyes on me.

I wasn't afraid, but I didn't feel safe either.

I stared proudly back at her.

She looked at me in silence for so long that it was torturing me inside, I was waiting for the moment that she would drop that peaceful expression and turn into her normal self, a person full of rage.

A person with no room for love and affection.

The more that she wasn’t speaking, the more was the silence killing me inside.

"What do you want?" I whispered, but I could feel the bitterness in my voice, which scared me.

She just tilted her head on the right side and looked at me emotionlessly.

I felt anger build up inside.

"What do you want!?" I spoke louder, trying to get a reaction out of her but it was futile.

"What the hell do you want?!" I shouted, walking close to her.

"What do you want from me, mother?" I screamed in her face.

"They don't care about you," she said in a whisper and I shivered.

I shot her an angry look, mixed with confusion.

"They, the X-Men, you think they care, but they don't," My mother spoke with the same bitter tone as I spoke before, I cringed at the similarity of our voices.

"Bullshit," I retorted.

"Nobody will ever care about you except me, my dear child," she spoke and extended her arm to touch me.

I slapped it away and scoffed.

"You? You cared about me? since when? You never did anything for me! You didn't give shit about me! You always controlled me, made me the way you wanted me to be. Well guess what that ends now.” I couldn’t stop the words from coming out.

“I am going to be my own person. I want to be a part of the X-Men, I want to fight for the mutants, I want to fight side by side with my family and believe me when I say that they care more than you ever did and you know what? I care about them too," I said, then and only then did I realize that I knew what I wanted.

That my mind wasn't the mess it used to be, I finally knew, I understood myself.

Her cruel laughter made me look up at her, glaring.

"You are a fool, you really think this is going to last? That the X-Men are going to last forever? They won't and one day they are going to move on, grow up, make families, have a future other than the X-Men, in which you won't be a part of." She said and I felt insecurities catching up to me, but I shook them away.

"We'll see" I answered coldly.

She laughed once more.

"You are so pathetic, you are going to stand for them after everything I told you? Whatever, but let me tell you that Kathryn when the future comes hitting your door do not say I didn't warn you," she spoke and blood began coming out of her mouth my eyes widened.

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