Chapter 8

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Days have been running smoothly, I started hanging out more with Scott, Jean, and Kurt, but I still lock myself in my room from time to time.

I also started opening up more about my beliefs and opinions.

For instance, I told them I was a vegetarian, which I avoided for a long time.

Occasionally, I would not eat anything for lunch or dinner and wait until everyone was asleep to grab a bite.

Scott made a comment about me being too savage to be vegetarian.

It wasn't really my choice to be a vegetarian, my mother forced me to do it.

Anyway, now we are in the school cafeteria, two tables away from us was Lance with his friends. 

The girl we were chasing last week, Anne Adler and Todd Tolanski, Kurt told me about him, he is a mutant like us, he has the features of a frog, which is really disgusting.

I looked to the entrance of the cafeteria and saw an oversized boy enter who looked very familiar.

"Isn't that the guy you and Logan went to see on Saturday night?" I asked Jean, seeing the similarities between the two boys.

"Yeah, Fred, he's all right when he's not ripping lockers out of the walls," she said, laughing.

"He did that? Well, that was unexpected," I said as I ate my fruit salad.

"You and Anne, that's an odd pairing," Kurt said, drawing our attention.

"Yeah, I have to play a romantic scene with a girl who thinks we tried to kill her. Man, she must be a great actress!" said Scott and we laughed.

"That must be awkward," I said to Scott. 

"Dude, you got to invite us to your rehearsals," Kurt said and I chuckled.

But my laughter faded when I met Fred's eyes staring angrily at all of us.

He walked to his table with a huge tray full of food, sat down on the chair, but it suddenly broke causing the food to go flying straight to the popular guys.

Duncan Matthews' gang.

I stood up from my seat as Duncan and his boys started walking toward Fred.

"Wrong move, Bloby," Duncan said. 
Jean put an arm on my shoulder and motioned for me to sit back down. 

"Kathryn stay here, this could get messy," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, like that has not happened already," I said, actually referring to the bunch of food on the floor.

Fred tried to stand up, but he slipped on the food and fell back down.

Everyone was laughing at him as if this was some kind of entertainment.

People are cruel.

"Don't laugh at me!!!" shouted Fred in anger, his face was red and so were his eyes.

He grabbed the food off the floor and threw it at Duncan, who fell to the ground after the food hit his face.

After that, everyone was throwing food at each other while Fred was getting out of control every second.

I could hear people screaming, laughing, and someone shouting "Food Fight" repeatedly.

Kurt and Scott ducked under the table, Jean tried to protect us with her telekinesis shields.

Before I could react properly, a hamburger hit me in the face.

Disgusted, I pushed it away from my face. 

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