Chapter 26

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Trigger warning: Vomiting, unpleasant feeling.

Two days have passed and Logan hasn't woken up yet. The professor insists that we shouldn't worry and that Logan is going to be alright, but I can't help it.

Just the fact that he keeps repeating that we shouldn't worry, makes me even more worried, if that even makes sense.

But really, what else can we do?

I visit him every hour to make sure he is okay.

Ororo seams to really appreciate my help. She recognizes that I care and worry a lot for Logan, and informs me on every slight improvement.

She is quite anxious though, she is constantly stressing over Logan. She hasn't moved an inch from the side his hospital bed, she sits in a chair next to him and leaves the room only when necessary.

She eats there, sleeps there, she has neglected herself and everyone else, but who could blame her?

Evan is also worried about his aunt's health. He tries to support her any way he can.

He visits her and tries to distract her from Logan. even for a little. He is usually the one who brings her food and water .

We also have taken care of her chores. We kind of have everything in schedule around here and now, except of our own chores, we do Ororo's and Logan's as well, but we manage.

We all try to help in any way we can and if doing chores is that way, then we'll go for it.

Well, at least we'll do our best.
I thought to myself as I sat near the library's window and watched Kurt, Evan and Scott got out of the institute as they drove away passed the gates with Scott's convertible.

Ororo used to take care of all the meals since no one else around here knows how to cook for nine people, including teenagers with enormous appetites. Now that she can't however, we decided to pick someone by lot.

And sadly, for all of us, Evan and Scott were the "lucky ones". 

They said they wanted to give it a try, so we gave them a chance.
It was a bad idea.

The kitchen was a fucking disaster and let's not talk about that slime they called soup.

We gathered again and decided to get take-out. So, Evan and Scott went to get the food as an apology for the mess they made, which left me, Jean and Rogue to clean up. 

Kurt tagged along with the guys to get an extra hotdog. The silly fuzzy elf.

Rogue meanwhile was in our room. She said she would take a quick nap and told me to wake her up when the boys came back.

Jean was taking a shower, so I was now alone.

"Kathryn?" I heard Ororo call out to me and I turned to her in surprise.
She was standing against the doorframe.

"Ororo? Is there something wrong? Do you need help?" I asked quickly and she let out a slight chuckle.

"No, no everything is great," she said and I looked at her puzzled. 

She noticed my confusion and smiled sweetly, making me more confused.

"He woke up. He asked for you," she said and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked. 

"Logan woke up, and the first thing he alsed was if you and Kurt were okay," she explained and I was still dumbfounded.

"He asked about me?" I asked in disbelief and she walked closer to me.

"Why are you so surprised? Don't you know how much Logan cares about you?" She said and I smiled as memories of all our interactions filled my brain.

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