Fire Escape

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Ryu narrating:

"It has been 7 weeks since we discovered the Fire Realm part of the Hidden World."

"When we tried to enter the Fire Realm for the first time, we discovered that it's too hot for us to just fly around there in our normal clothes."

"That's when I got an idea from my dragon books. I read that Vikings who rode dragons on the island called Berk used their dragons' scales to make a suit that would protect them from the heat and fire in general."

"Luckily, my little brother Tom, my girlfriend Jun and the rest of the group agreed with the idea."

Ryu chuckles a bit

"Not like there were many other options."

"Though Jun was still worried a little bit about it, though I knew it was because she's concerned for my safety."

"Luckily after reassuring her, she agreed with it."

3rd person p.o.v.:

They were now in the Silver Realm part of the Hidden World as Ryu was wearing the 6th prototype of his fire suit with Thunder's scales

"Alright. This one feel great." Ryu says to Alex.

"Fire suit, version six. Perfect for the overzealous explorer on the go." she replies in an announcer voice.

"So, how do I look?" Ryu asks the group.

"The fire suit is cool." D'Angelo answers. "The fact that you're flying into a fire realm is crazy." he continues.

"Oh, come on. I'm sure this version of the suit will work perfectly." Ryu says to the group optimistically. "Right, Alex?" he asks looking at her.

"I believe... that you believe." she states simply.

"I should bring the spearhead with me just in case I run into someone who knows more about it." he tells the group pulling out the spearhead from his backpack.

"You sure this is a good idea, Ryu?" Jun asks worriedly.

"I'll be fine Jun." Ryu says calmly trying to reassure her. "And this is proof that other people have been down here." he explains holding up the spearhead. "And if they're still here, they might be able to explain my connection to Thunder." he continues gesturing to Thunder.

Thunder snarls in agreement

"And anyway, someone has to be the fire suit tester." Ryu explains to them.

"Or the crash test dummy." he hears D'Angelo whisper to the group.

Ryu gets on Thunder as he flies towards the entrance of the Fire Realm

"Let's hit it, bud!" he says excitedly.

Ryu enters the Fire Realm as they fly as far as they can

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