silly boys silly little boys

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Coming out to Tweek has done wonders! I wish I fucking brought it up sooner! He's comfortable, he's laughing, we're having fun and he has just a small attitude. Not enough where it's annoying but it's just really funny. I'm so used to him apologizing for everything and being super anxious

"I think I saw a UFO last night. I hope they don't find my house."

"Why not?" I ask "it's awesome"

We're walking together in the hall on our way to our shared third hour. Something that has recently become a part of our routine

"I don't want to be probed! I want my first time to be with someone special"

We laugh and take our seats

"Have you been abducted?" He asks

"Just once. I was pretty little."

"I'm surprised you believe in aliens," he says

"Honestly they're the only supernatural entity I believe in."


"Oh yeah. Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster and all of them are dumb. Just aliens are real."

He just responds with a simple 'hm' and turns toward the board

I drop my eyelids at him

"What?" He asks innocently

"Don't tell me you believe in them"

He's silent at first "So what if I do," he says teasing me


The class suddenly begins and our conversation is cut short

Science goes on. They're talking about rocks or something so I'm not interested.

Class finally moves on and it's time for lunch. Tweek has been sitting with us pretty much every day now. It's only been about half a week since I found out he's gay and vice versa.

Tweek sits to my left and Tolkien to my right while Jimmy and Clyde sit together

"You guys will never believe me when I tell you guys what I saw. I was going to Group FaceTime all of you but I wanted to hear Tweek's opinion, too" Tolkien said

"Pfft" Tweek blushed

"So? What'd you see?" Clyde asked

"So I was going to Stan's house the other day, right? But I was about 45 minutes early. I texted him I was gonna be early and my phone said he read it so I just walked on in. And guess what I saw?" He said smiling

"What?" Jimmy asks

"I saw... Stan and Kenny making out on his bed!"

"Noo waaay," we all say collectively

"Stan is gay?! I mean Kenny I already kinda knew that but geez!" Clyde said

"Is Stan still dating Wendy? Or did they break up again?" I ask, "not that I care"

"Nah I think Wendy is dating some goth girl?" Clyde

"Henrietta. She's a nice girl. They're good to each other" Tolkien says

"Wendy likes girls?" Jimmy asks

"Dude get with the program," I say

"Sorry not everyone has some... has some k-keen ability to sense... to s-s-sense gay people," Jimmy says

"Wow, Jimmy. Wow. I didn't know Stan liked boys! I'm just as shocked as you are" I say

"I'm surprised Kenny likes guys!" Tweek said "he's the shock here. To me at least"

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