coming up with chapter names is hard

384 12 22

Tweek takes out his earbud.

"Yes?" He asks

"Heidi said I didn't have to do anything today cause I'm new." I rested my head in my hands


"Well Kenny and Bebe are busy"

"And you're talking to me?" He asks

Oh god he hates me already

"Yeah why not? We're gonna be working together anyways"

He blinks twice "excuse me, what?"

"What? You don't wanna work with me?" I smile

"No it's not that! It's just.. I like working alone"

"Well I'll be editing so it's not like we're going to be that tangled together" I say, "we can still do our own thing basically"

He opened his mouth to speak but Kenny stood up and started packing up his things

Tweek looked at his phone "it's 5" he stood up and started packing up his own stuff

I went over and grabbed my backpack and put my phone in it.

I started walking out of the front doors to the school

I put my headphones in and started walking. I only live 15 minutes away from the school when you walk. Plus I like walking while I'm listening to music. It's fun!

Once I get home I take off my shoes and try heading upstairs

"So how was your first day?" My mom asks

"Fine." I shrug my shoulders

"Did you make any friends?"

"On the first day? Oh yeah, I was Mr. popular up in that bitch"

"Craig. Fix your tone and your language."

"Sorry ma" I keep walking upstairs

I throw my bag down onto my bed and groan. Getting home at 5pm everyday is not going to be something I like. How do kids in sports and stuff get home at like 11pm and still get passing grades? I barely get passing grades and today was my first day of getting home at 5

I sit at my computer and scroll through Reddit since I don't have any homework.

I hear a loud bang and I flinch. Someone kicked my door to open it.. gee I wonder who...

"Craig!" Tricia yells

I turn around in my chair "yes?"

"You're a virgin!" She turned around and walked right out

I roll my eyes and get up to close my door

She's always mad at me because I've never had a boyfriend and she wants a twink brother in law to do her nails with.

I am very bad at flirting so that sucks for her.

And me.

Mostly sucks for me.

The only time I got close to dating was talking to this guy online when I was in 8th grade. His name was Drew Sanchez and he was cute. He ghosted me after like a month and a half of us talking. We never dated though so. What are you gonna do?

I could work on my social skills so that talking  to any guy doesn't make me want to vomit but that's dumb. Why work on yourself when you can scroll through Reddit?

Some of my interests and hobbies look so bad when written on paper

I like Rick and morty, Reddit, and DnD

Liking just one of these is fine but when someone likes ALL of them. That's... something. But I like all of them so. I guess I'm something

Should I start saying "m'lady"

Tolkien would hate that so much. I'm totally gonna call him that

Mindless scrolling through Reddit and Pinterest took up the rest of my day and I finally decided at 11 pm  to go to bed

I had a dream I was getting bullied. I don't remember what for. And I don't know why since I've never been bullied. The year is still young! Maybe this year it'll happen.

Another day another dollar as they say I guess

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