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I was sitting in science class but something was different. I couldn't focus. That never happens

I kept thinking about how I subtly helped Tweek out. I could tell he wouldn't have said anything himself

But still why couldn't I have just let himself man up and get the confidence he needed

I couldn't just leave him and his anxiety alone?  He doesn't concern me

I look to my right and there he is. Lo and behold, Tweek Tweak.

He saw me looking at him and I was almost turned my head back but You know what? I'm gonna own up to it. Yeah I was looking at you so what?

We kept eye contact for a good four seconds before he looked back at the board and started to take notes

Don't ignore me asshole!

The bell rang not very long after and we all headed out to our lockers.

Clyde was already there waiting for me. How does he get there so fast?

"I am going to shoot myself. In the head. With a gun." Is the first thing he says to me

"Why? What's wrong this time?"

"Wade won't fucking shut up about how much he 'gets' pussy and it's so annoying" he rubs the bridge of his nose as we start walking to the cafeteria

"That ugly ass freshman?"

"Yes! Even if he really does sleep around a lot just shut up about it once, maybe?"

"He probably touched a girls bra and thinks he's hot shit"

"Literally! He's like 12." 

I laughed. He was underestimating how young the freshman class is but he's always been bad at math. And always dramatic.

We arrived at the lunchroom and I sat down at our table.

Tolkien, Jimmy, and Clyde arrive shortly after me

"Guys. What do you know about Tweek Tweak?"

"Who?" Clyde asks

"I know who you're talking about." Tolkien says, "the blond kid who never talks to anyone"

"Why do you a-ask" Jimmy says

"I was just wondering. Since I never saw him before and now I see him everywhere" I say "is he new?"

Tolkien thinks for a moment

"Let's go ask him"

"No!" I say

"Why not?" Clyde asks

"That's so.. mean and awkward"

"How is it mean? Also when did you care about being mean?"

"Dude how mean would it feel if someone went up to you and essentially went 'oh hey! Listen you are such an inconsequential part of our daily lives that we don't even recognize you even though we see you on a day-to-day basis. Would you mind reminding us if we should feel guilty about remembering you or not?'"

"You think too much." Clyde says

"I'm just being courteous"

"And overthinking. I'm sure he won't take it that way" Tolkien says

"Where even I- I- is he?" Jimmy asks

Jimmy and Clyde look around

I mean they hardly looked around. Jimmy just kinda stared forward. He looked.. scared? No scared isn't the right word..

Anyway, there was a weird tension that I didn't even notice until after this encounter.

They all started to change the subject simultaneously

Lunch was over before we knew it.

We got to the doors and I held them open for Tolkien while tipping a fake fedora.

"M'lady" I say

He lightly punches me in the stomach and he walks out

"Fuck you!" I laugh

He smiles back and we goof around before getting to our lockers

I only had two more classes and the day was done!

Of course I couldn't go home though


I walk out of my last class for the day and immediately forget all that I had just learned.

I take my seat.

But today Tweek was sitting not one spot away from me but none.

Did he not remember where he sat?

Apparently I was staring at him while I thought

"I just thought we would sit next to each other while we worked!" Tweek said "sorry. I thought it was fine since you... I'll move back if you want me too"

He doesn't give me a chance to respond and gets up

I stop him by speaking up

"Tweek you're fine"

He hesitantly sits back down

"I overthink a lot" he says surprisingly calm

"Yeah I noticed" I laugh "don't worry me too"

He looks at me funny



He looks at me even funnier

"Is that.. weird? That I overthink?" I laugh awkwardly

He looks at me. Almost in a sad way.


I could tell he was already overthinking again this so I left it be.

After an uncomfortable silence that felt like forever, Heidi came up to us

"Hey can one of your guys go copy these flyers for potential new members?" She says with her puppy dogs eyes

We both look at each other

"Or both of you, I don't care"

Tweek is copying the flyers while I lean at the end of it, once in a while checking that they're all copying correctly

We have not talked at all this whole time

Which I usually would be over the moon about but with Tweek it's different..

I guess his rambly and overworked mind just translates easily into the mood of the room

"I came here two years ago"

I turn my head towards him "what?"

"I came here in eighth grade and it's tenth now so... I heard you and your friends talking about it"

"Wer-" is all I got to say

"I wasn't eavesdropping or anything! I just heard my name and automatically started listening. You guys were close by anyway"

"Ah" is all my stupid brain could get out

I could physically feel him get tenser

"So um," I say desperate for conversation "this school fucking sucks"

He lets out a small chuckle "tell me about it"

"Oh don't get me started"

He lets out a chuckle. A real chuckle. It's still not a good laugh but I'll take it

Feeling confident in our new foundation of conversing, I try to keep it rolling

"So why did you move here anyway?" I ask smiling

The little smile he did have on his face drops

"I'd rather not talk about it" he avoids eye contact

Oh god. Oh fuck. Please good lord tell me I didn't just hit a nerve

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