cray cray

314 9 46

It was Saturday afternoon and I was sitting in my room doing absolutely nothing. I was just sitting there. Staring at the wall. Waiting. I get so anxious when I have to wait

He'd be coming over eventually. Only in about 30 more minutes. But it killed me to wait. Not because I was excited, because I wasn't. I was petrified.

I don't like strangers coming into my house. Sue me!

I played on my phone trying to distract myself but he was all I could think about. Once he got here I knew I would be fine but right now was agony.

Finally, I got a text on my phone

Weird Emo Kid: inhehre
Weird Emo Kid: I'm herwb
Weird Emo Kid: here

I got up from my bed and went downstairs to the door

I opened it and there he was.

Apparently as I went to open the door he was about to knock so he kinda fell a little bit

"You don't have knock. You can just come in" I say
he walks into my house and I shut the door behind him

He looks at me disgusted

"Just walk into your house?" He asks

"Yeah?" I say, laughing a little bit

He looks like he's about to say something but then he just softly chortled

"Country people are weird"

I laugh and flip him off

"Take your shoes off, freak"

I immediately cringe. I was trying to make him feel more at home by treating him how I would any of my friends but I think I just did the opposite.

He doesn't seem to notice

"Jeez! All right! All right! They're coming off" he says

I think he said that jokingly but I honestly can't tell. I just laugh and hope that's what he was going for

I lead him up into my room and we sit on the floor together

"Cool room"

"Thank you" I try to say that in a way that'd make it less awkward but I don't think it worked

"You, uh ... really like outer space"

"What?" I turn around to look at my room (as if I forgot what's in it???) "oh yeah. I told you I love science"

"Heh, yeah I guess you did. I just didn't think you're room would look like this"

"Well what did you think it looked like?"

He thinks for a moment

"More holes in the walls, some anarchy symbol spray painted on your ceiling, hardwood floors"

I give him my signature stupid chuckle "why would you think that?"

"You just don't seem like a carpet kind of guy"

"No", I laugh more "why did you think I would punch my walls"

He gives me a look

I give him one back

"Well, you have built up a bit of a reputation"

"No I have not." I say, half joking

He gives me another look and I give it right back to him

A lull occurs

"So... uhm.. do you want to get started on the list now?" He asks

"The what? Oh! The whole reason you came here, right." I say

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