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The day started out how it normally does.  Woke up, got dressed, Tolkien picked me up from school. The good stuff

I was tapping my foot all day thinking about what Heidi said.  About how "the real work begins" what the hell does that mean

Science came by fast since I spent most of the day daydreaming. I walked in and sat in my seat as usual

Everything went as normal but then I turn to my right and there he is.

That kid, Tweek.

How am I just now noticing that he sits right next to me?

He must've saw me staring for a little too long

"Uh. Hi?" He says

"You weren't kidding. You really sit right next to me."

He gives an awkward laugh "yeah. I have the entire semester"

"Well it makes sense why I wasn't very observant. You're in my science class."


"You're in my line of fire. I go into crazy hyper focus mode here"

"It's also only been a week and a half." He says

"Oh yeah" I say

He gives, what I can only assume is an insincere laugh and we move on with our day

We're still not in the space unit which is really the meat and potatoes for all of school but we'll get there


Once I finished my assigned homework for the day I started to draw a little garden gnome. He was a cutie pie, I must say.

Suddenly the bell rung once I started sketching him a boyfriend

The bell made me jump a little and I dropped my pencil

I hate loud noises.  They make my skin crawl in a really gross way. Sometimes not even loud noises but just certain ones ya know? Like when someone is drilling a screw in a couple rooms away and even though it's faint through your walls it still makes your skin feel like it's on fire?

I went down to grab my pencil but Tweek was already trying to hand it to me

I take it from him "thanks"

Then I head to my locker as quickly as possible

that was such an awkward encounter. I'm going to jump off a bridge.

I don't know why Tweek doing just a sorta nice act makes me cringe but it just does

Once I get to my locker I put all of my books and notepads away and I wait for Clyde

Clyde finally walks up to my locker

"Hey man!" He says

"Hey Clyde" I say in response. We start walking down the hallway to the lunch room

"I hope we have those taco sticks for lunch today"

"Oh my god are you serious?" I ask disgusted


"You actually eat those?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I?" He genuinely doesn't see a problem with the taco sticks

"they taste like armpits"

"Well good thing I have an anime girl armpit fetish"

I stop in my tracks and I stare at him. He keeps walking but stops when he doesn't see me

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