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I sit in my first hour and stare at the window. Whenever I feel one emotion or the other very strongly, everything seems dull after that

It's been inching towards October. The leaves have been getting darker, the days shorter and colder.

I've  always liked autumn the best but around here it doesn't last very long before it starts to snow. In just a couple weeks or so I'm sure there will be at least an inch on the ground.

Global warming has been kicking our ass.

It's been raining on and off all day long. It's sprinkling right now.

Everything seems so still.

Tweek texted me all night long, he even tried to call me.

I didn't look at any of the messages. I didn't want to get yelled at. I didn't want to get harassed.

The truth is, I felt guilty. I felt guilty for whatever it was that he thought I did.

I don't know why.
I shouldn't.

But I can't get the look he had on his face... that look of bitterness and anger and heartache

But I would try to shake these thoughts out of my head as the day went on.
I was in the same, flat, neutral mood all day. A lot of people always find that sad when i tell them. I never got why. I didn't tell them I was sad I said I was neutral. Just because I'm not happy must mean I'm miserable?

The day went by so slow. Maybe that was because I was what others would describe as bored.... Or because I was anxious waiting for third hour

The only class where I sit next to him

The bell indicating second hour was done, rang

I expected to sit in science, and watch as I lost interest in the subject I've loved since I was four because of some rando kid

But that's not what happened

He wouldn't even let me in the door

"Hey" he said

I just looked at him

"Can we- nnggh-talk? ....In the bathroom?" He said looking at the floor

I don't give him an answer, I just start walking towards the bathroom.

I want to hear him out, I want to know why he hated me all of a sudden

He looked sad but when we got to the bathroom, he started crying a little bit

"I've.... uhm.... I've been thinking a lot since yesterday and... I'm so sorry. I just... I refused to believe that anybody would want to be my friend" he sniffed

My mouth opened as if to say something but no words came out

Fuck, now I feel even worse. I was that pissed at just some poor insecure kid?

He kept talking

"I used to get pranked a lot.", he said, "by the cool attractive popular kids. They would try to be my friends as some sort of either bet or prank or joke. Because being associated with me was so fucking funny!"

He rolls his eyes as tears keep falling

"I should've trusted you. You didn't give a single red flag but my brain would try and look for them. Like when your friends and I were getting along? I thought it was too good to be true. I kept waiting for the bombshell to drop. That you all hated me and I was stupid for thinking you liked me in the first place"

Even though his eyes and cheeks were red and tears never stopped falling from his face, he kept his composure. Something that I would never expect from someone like him

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