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Me and my friends were all texting in the group chat, trying to decide where to hang out for the day

SlimJim: I still think we should go to the beach

The Normal One: Jimmy it's October it's going to be freezing

SlimJim: that's what makes it fun! :^)

I roll my eyes. I have the most indecisive friends in the world

Ugly MF: we could always go to an indoor pool

Me: let's just go out to eat or something I don't wanna do anything crazy right now

The Normal One: swimming is crazy?

SlimJim: what did you have in mind for food Craig?

Me: idk.

I thought for a moment. Thinking of what sounded good

Me: something greasy

Ugly MF: let's go to hooters

Me: NO.

Ugly MF: :,(
Ugly MF: plsss you said you wanted something greasy. And hooters is all bar food

SlimJim: hooters sounds great

The Normal One: I'd have to ask Nichole idk if she would want me going to a strip club

Ugly MF: it's not a strip club!!!!!!!!! It's a family friendly restaurant!!!!!!!!!

Me: with boobs and ass all up in your face

Ugly MF: people take children there

Me: no way they do

Ugly MF: they do!! I've been going there since I was 8

The Normal One: I'm not gonna go sorry guys :(
The Normal One: take Tweek instead of me. I feel bad for the last incident anyways

Me: u sure? Is that ok with everyone

SlimJim: Tweek is nice <|:^)

Ugly MF: would Tweek even want to come? After last time???

I think for a moment. That's a good point. I don't actually know

Me: idk. I'll ask him

I switched out of the group chat and went to tweeks contact

Me: do u wanna hang out with me clyde and Jimmy today? We're going to a restaurant

He saw it immediately

Weird Emo Kid: ok what tien
Weird Emo Kid: tike
Weird Emo Kid: time

Me: like right now

Weird Emo Kid: ok

I switched back over to the group chat where everyone was apparently waiting patiently for me

Me: Tweek is coming

Everyone in the group chat gave a thumbs up and I turned off my phone

I just laid in my bed and listened to my favorite song at the moment

"The killing moon" by echo and the bunnymen. It's almost 7 minutes long but I love every second of it

I don't know any of the words but fuck do I love it

I just love new wave so much

After about 10 minutes the guys show up at my house

Tolkien was our ride so now we're walking. But when you live in a town like this walking is sometimes more convenient

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