they laugh at me cause im emo </3

362 10 43

I get home from the library and take my shoes off at the door.

"Hey mom"

"Hey Craig. How was the club?"

I want to lie. I want to tell her it was just okay. I don't want to let her know she was right in a weird way since that will give her ideas to push my limit even more.

But I can't

"It was actually nice"

"Really! That's so great, honey!"

"Yup" I say walking up the stairs to my room

"Wait wait wait!" She calls after me "you aren't leaving. I want to hear everything!"

I groan "moOom"

"Did you make any friends? Were the kids nice?"

"Okay one at a time, lady"

"Okay fine. But seriously, did you make any friends?"

I think about this question for a good minute

"I don't know. We had like one conversati-"

I'm cut off by my moms gasping

"Are they new? Or did you just not talk to them before?" She says with a huge smile

"Uh... both? I mean he came here two years ago so I don't know if you'd consider that new but-"


She needs to stop fucking interrupting me

"A 'he' huh?"

"Yes?" I say

"Is he cute?"

"Ew! Mom!"

"What? I'm just asking a simple question" she smugly shrugs

I furrow my eyebrows and pinch them

"I don't know.. he's not ugly... but I don't know if I'd say he's cute"

"Mhm" is all she responds with

"Can I leave now?"

"Sure" she says still smiling

I drag my feet up the stairs. Once I'm out of eyeline, I roll my eyes

She's so annoying

Love that bitch though

I do my homework. Scroll through my phone, listen to music and then pass out. I had a dream where my doctor yells at me for eating too many worms.

I've been watching too much Kurtis Conner.

My alarm goes off and I press snooze. Fuck. When did I go to bed?

My alarm rings again and I wake up for real this time.

I slap my outfit on and do my morning routine. God I love routines. They make me feel like I have so much more control than I actually do. Nice and boring and repetitive. How god intended

My day goes on lazily. School is boring. I know I JUST said I like boring but there's a good boring and bad boring. And I will not argue on that.

Finally, over half of my day is over and it's time for lunch

I put my science book back into my locker and wait for Clyde.

"What time is it? Time for lunch!" He sings that bubble guppies song

I roll my eyes at him playfully

"Hey I saw that!"


what happens after school - creekOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora