the beginning tehe

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"I'm sorry, Craig but you don't have a choice."  My dad crosses his arms and stares me down

"Mom! Tell him he's being ridiculous!" I turn to my mom, looking for support

"This will be good for you! Meeting new people! Not staying in your bedroom all day after school, getting that... musty smell you have.."

"I do stuff when I'm in my bedroom though." I say ignoring her comment about my room smells

My mom picks up the paper full of clubs to join, "there's so many different activities for you to try out!" She says ignoring my response

She slides the paper across the dining room table

I pick it up. There's really no way of getting out of this, is there?

Anime club? Why is that an option?

The GSA? Ha! That's a no go.

Track team? Cross country team? I would rather set myself on fire

Video gaming club? Hmm maybe

I look underneath it and it tells me how many current members there are.

Jesus Christ that is way too many people

Film and video broadcasting club? I read the description

"The film and video broadcasting club is an after school activity that analyzes popular and underground medias, shoots independent student films, and teaches about directing, acting, and cinematography! The current president of said club is Heidi Turner. We meet after school from 3-5pm. We currently have 5 members"

Jesus Christ only 5? I feel kind of bad for this club. Take a shot of vodka every time I say the word club and you'll fucking die.

"I guess if I have to do an activity I'd do this one" I say pointing on the paper

"Are you sure? The whole point of this is for you to meet new people and this only has five members in it" my dad asks

"Hey! At least he didn't fight with us that much! Be happy he decided on one instead of us picking one for him. Besides you know he's not very good with people"

I just sigh. This situation is funny to me. My parents think I'm such a loser that they're forcing me to meet people. Which they're not new people? I know everyone at my school. I just don't talk to them because I have enough friends. Tolkien, Clyde and Jimmy. That's all I need.

Even then, those are my close friends. I have plenty of acquaintances!

"I'll call the school tonight. I hope he can still join since the school year already started" my dad says to my mom

"It's only been a week, Thomas" she replies

"Can I leave now?" I ask

"Yeah sure"

"Coolsies." I say jumping out of my chair

I go upstairs to my room and crawl underneath the covers

I am not looking forward to this. Sure I like to watch movies and analyze my favorite fictional characters and tv shows but I know next to nothing about "cinematography" or whatever you call it

They'll probably kick me out. Wouldn't that be great? The president is Heidi turner so she might, I don't know. Actually, no, she's nice now, albeit a tad pretentious. But is she nice to people that don't know anything about movies? I guess we'll see.

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