Baby Mpreg Chapter

396 11 34

[im gonna skip the labor and get right to the baby here]

I stood outside the doors of that damned 7th grade classroom

I didn't wanna face Tweek today. I felt embarrassed. All I did was ask a simple question and I'm embarrassed.

Would he be mad? Would he just ignore me? I didn't want to lose the little bit of progress we made

I walk in after what felt like an hour and I sit in my seat.

I look to my right and he's already here. He has his hood up and his headphones in. Bad sign.

He catches me looking and I give him a small smile. Which for some reason feels humiliating. I'm relieved when he returns it. His smile was like kinda sad? Maybe it was an empathetic smile? I'm so fucking bad at reading faces

Damn I need to get my act together! I've been feeling too many emotions lately

After a couple minutes, he gets up and stands at my desk

"Uhm... do you wanna go the library and work on this... project thing..?" He says while twiddling with his hoodie strings

"The library?"

"Yeah, it's more private there" His eyes pop out of his head, "I mean! Uh... like more quiet! I don't want like privacy with you. Not that that's a bad thing! I just wasn't trying to imply-"

"Let's go to the library. I like my privacy too" I try to say in a kind tone but I think it came out more passive aggressive

He gives a small smile regardless

He turns around to go get his stuff but I stop him

"Wait. Did Heidi say it was okay?" I ask

"Oh she doesn't care"


We walk through the empty hallways together to get to the library.

I honestly have no idea what I'll do to help him in there. It's not even close to done yet so what do I even have to edit?

We get inside the school library and he greets the librarian by giving her a half-assed wave.

We sit down and he immediately starts typing on his computer. What I assume to be the script

"So", he says, "what kind of editing style do you have?"

I stare at him blankly.


"I just want to know so I can like make adjustments to the directing if I need to"

"Uhm." I start to feel like an idiot "I don't know I just kind of.. do it? There's styles in editing?"

"Ah, you're not very experienced yet are you?"

"Not at all."

He gives a short lived and seemingly forced laugh

"Well if you don't know what to do in order to help me then you can maybe get a book and research it"

His eyes kind of bulge again

"Did that come out rude? Oh god I'm sorry!"

"It's fine. I promise." I reassure him

"Do they even have books about...editing?"

"Probably not but I know for a fact that there's books about filmmaking and direction and yadda yadda. There's probably a chapter or two in there about editing."

I smile "how do you know for a fact?" I say trying to tease him a little

"Because," he smiles back "I read in here during lunch because I don't have any friends"

Wow I really keep saying the wrong things huh.

"I'm gonna go find that book now" I laugh out

I get up but when I'm walking away I hear him mumble
"oh my god, why did I say that"

He didn't tell me where to look so I just immediately go to the non-fiction section

We have a pretty small library so it wasn't too hard to find.

I get back to our little table and start going through the index to find editing.

It's not fucking in here.

I groan and get back up to find another book because I'm an idiot who didn't bring multiple.

This time I bring back like 4 books. Which was all that they had.

15 minutes go by and I'm bored to tears.

I groan and try to make conversation again. Though at this point, it's probably a dead-end

"Tweek I'm booored"

He looks up from the computer "oh yeah?"

"Yes! This is all, like, formal"

"And that's boring?"

I give him a weird look, "yeah? Obviously"

He opens his mouth and then bites his lip

"Craig? I have a question and... please don't get offended"

Oh god. is he gonna ask if I'm gay?

"Don't worry, I don't get offended easily. Shoot"

"Why are you here?"

I look at him for a few seconds

"You asked me to come here"

"No, not the library! Like, the club" he says

I think for a few seconds to see what exactly I should say

"If im being honest. My parents forced me into an extra circular and this was the most interesting while also having the least amount of people"

He simply nods

"They thought I didn't have enough friends or something. Or that my social skills sucked. I mean they do suck, don't get me wrong"

He blows air out of his nose to indicate laughter without actually laughing

"That sounds like something my uncle would do"

I smile (in my head) at this newfound personal information

"Uncle?" I ask

"Oh-" he says "I live with my great uncle"

I remember how he reacted when I asked about why he moved so I don't push it

"So what kept you here?" He asks


"Well, it sounds like you didn't want to come"

"I did not" I say

"So?" He asks

I give him an even more confused look

"Like what kept you here?"

"I don't follow"

"Why did you actually come and not just fuck around for a couple hours and say you went to a club?"

I slap my forehead. God I'm such a fucking idiot

"God! Where were you 3 days ago?"

He gives out a laugh.

Not a scoff. Or a chuckle. Or a small smirk.

Not the kind of smile where he still looked sad

An actual hearty laugh

His face actually lit up for once.

I did that. I'm the reason this is happening right now. I didn't want it to end

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