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"So, Potter's hasn't been found?" I asked Draco while we were eating in the old kitchen of the Black's house per usual. It was an especially chilly evening, so, we asked Kreacher to make the fireplace.

"No," Draco sighed, "The Dark Lord's losing it, Potter hasn't been spotted for a week and a half. The guy's really good at hide and seek, must hand it to him."

Almost a week has passed since Draco and I had our first dance this year. And yes, I do count it as an anniversary now. The week has been memorable, and full of excitement including a lot of the perfect amount of alone-time with Draco Malfoy. Normally, I'd complain about even being next to him or listening to his ramblings all over and over, however, it can't be helped. I loved this boy to bones. Merlin, if me a year ago were to see us together like this spending time with each other, flirting at any given opportunity, and talking endlessly into the night, I'd be disgusted.

I haven't heard anything from the outside world: no news from the school, no new info on what's happening. To be completely honest, I don't really care about it. It's so exhausting having the knowledge and information that is going on in the world, but you can't help but be worried about the friends and family you have ghosted for over a week.

"Anything new about the school?" I asked sheepishly biting into the potato chip, "Anything about my parents?"

"Well, Snape's all over the place looking for you, but rumor has it he thinks that you might as well be dead," Draco replied casually reaching into the chip bag, "Your parents are fine. They don't know about your sudden disappearance because Snape doesn't want any unnecessary third party to be involved."

Good. If my parents found out that I was missing they'd go berserk. Even worse. If they found out if I was hiding from you know who with a boy, there's no telling who could be murdered.

"I hope Snape gives up on looking for me," I replied getting a bit worried, "It's good he thinks I am dead. If he finds me, then-"

"He'd torture you into telling the whereabouts of Potter and the people who are trying to help him," Draco interrupted me, "Even if that happens, I'll make sure he dies the most painful death there is."

"Very noble of you," I said sarcastically, "But I hope you remember your promise to me about not killing anyone."

Draco didn't have anything to say so he went silent and continued munching on his potato chips. I absolutely adored it when Draco got embarrassed or put into place. Although, I do adore him in every way he is, however, him being embarrassed isn't a side everyone gets to see.

"Say, Draco," I said suddenly which made the boy jump a little, "What would be the most painful death?"

"Honestly, I don't even want to think about it," Draco replied looking into my eyes, "but I suppose, being killed by the one you hate most isn't the most entertaining way to die."

"Fair point, but that's a bit argumentative," I said putting my head into my palm.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked confused.
"Well, what if you get killed by the one you love and trust most? Don't you think it's far more painful to see the one you love most in the whole wide world kill you?" I asked rhetorically.

"But what if you don't have the one you love most?" Draco asked leaning forward, "Is it considered a boring death in your book?"

"Well, not boring, rather relieving. It's better for your own sake," I answered coldly looking down at the table, "You will have a quick and painless death."

Silence fell between us. This conversation reminded me of Dobby's death. I wonder if he died in peace and no pain. Sure, it must have hurt in some way, but I can only hope he was in the best of his mind when he passed. He hated Bellatrix, I am sure of that, but did he really pass with no remorse on his mind? What about Dumbledore? The man trusted Snape most. Was it painful to see the one you trust most in the whole school, or even the world, kill you with their own hands? He must have felt miserable.

Death is so complicated yet intriguing. I find it fascinating. You never know when it will hit you or the ones you hold close. It's very harsh yet gentle when it puts you to sleep you had waited for your whole life.  Death is so controversial; we could never know if its existence is for the best or worst.

Suddenly, I remembered something I had been eager to ask Draco after he left me in the common room last year.

"Hey, Draco," I asked looking at the blonde who seemed to have been previously looking at me with a gentle facial expression, "What happened after you left the common room that night?"

Draco sat up straight again and coughed to gain his composure.

"Whatever you mean?" Draco asked as he got back to reality, "I went to the astronomy tower."

"Well, I'm certain you did," I replied sarcastically with a plain face, "But I am also certain that you have stolen something from me that doesn't rightfully belong to you only."

"Don't go all Dumbledore on me, "Draco taking a deep breath and looking back at me with his fierce eyes, "You know how I feel about riddles."

"Well, suit yourself," I shrugged.

"Tell me," Draco laughed quietly and tapped on my hand with his own.

"Nope," I giggled wiggling my eyebrows at him, "I'll get back at you for it anyway." 

Draco crossed his hands trying to hold back a smile. He knew what I was talking about. I got up to clean up the mess we created on the table. It wasn't Kreacher's responsibility to clean up everything, was it? Although Draco did nag me about it a lot. Just like he was about to do this time.

"Don't. Kreacher will tidy up," Draco said getting up from his seat to approach me.

"As if," I rolled my eyes and put the two plates and cups into the sink, "It's our mess, not Kreacher's. He's not obliged to do anything for us, you know? If anything, we owe him for letting me stay."

I twisted the tap open and started washing the plates with some soap and a sponge that was left over on the counter. Sometimes Draco would act so childish and incompetent. But then again, he's been brought up in the best of conditions; naturally, all has to be done for him. I got angry at the thought and didn't feel my grip on the plate tighten.

"Don't be so mad, will you? Don't break the plate," I heard Draco say casually from behind my back.

I heard his footsteps approaching me. Suddenly, I felt his warm arms wrap around my waist gently. He carefully put his head on my right shoulder. I could feel his breath on my neck making me shiver down my spine. I tensed up. I couldn't let out a single breath. How could he do the bare minimum but still never fail to make me feel weak in my knees?

"Sorry, didn't want to get you angry," Draco whispered into my ear with a raspy voice making my stomach churn, "You know how I am."

I felt his grip tighten around my waist. His breath started feeling hot rather warm on my skin now. I carefully eyed him on the right to see him with his eyes closed and a unbothered face. I rapidly looked back at the sink to avoid any eye contact. My heart started racing. He really could do just about anything to me with just one touch.

"Relax," I felt Draco smirk on my shoulder, "I don't bite, do I?"

Draco slowly detached his right hand from my waist and made his way up to my eye level. I felt his cold fingertips touch my neck and tuck my hair behind my ear neatly. He then, a bit more forcefully, tilted my head to the left. His breath to get closer and closer to my skin. He placed a gentle kiss on my neck and chuckled.

"Let's play cards when you're done. I'll be in the living room," Draco whispered one last time into my ear with the same raspy voice and unwrapped himself off of me, "Be careful not to pass out, will you?"

Draco got out of the kitchen leaving me alone with a shocked facial expression plastered onto my face. I could still feel the goosebumps on my skin. What just happened? What's up with this 'not passing out' business? But then again...

"Easier said than done, twat."


a/n: a slightly flirty draco? say no more, i will run.

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