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I woke up the next morning very tired, to say the least. After parting with Malfoy, I went to bed but couldn't sleep for another hour. But then again, a delicious Hogwarts breakfast was waiting, so I didn't lose any time preparing for the school day. I and Leila went down to the Great Hall to see that it was storming with students. We sat down at our table and started eating what was for breakfast. When I finished, I went to the Ravenclaw table to say hello to my Ravenclaw friend.

"Good morning, Loony, anything new on Quibbler?" I said sitting down next to her.

"Hello, Y/N," she answered biting the sandwich she prepared for herself "Not much really, but I noticed a certain serpent staring at you as soon as you entered the hall, seemed very creepy to me."

"Was he now?" I asked rhetorically looking at where Malfoy usually sits. My eyes found him looking at me and Luna from the Slytherin table. As he saw me and Luna looking back at him, he stood up and stormed out of the hall.

"Quite strange, wouldn't you agree?" Luna asked looking at me, then looked at the clock, "Your Potions class is starting in 2 minutes."

"Looks like I will be running, huh? See you at lunch." I got up, took my Potions book, and stormed out of the hall straight to my class hoping the teacher wouldn't be too mad at me for being a minute late. But right now, it wasn't as much concerning to me as the infamous Draco Malfoy wanting to talk to me at night and then glaring at me the next morning. Whatever made me trust him enough to talk about what I am thinking is magic only Merlin is capable of doing.


I smashed the door of the Potions classroom open and found multiple taken aback face staring back at me. Looking for the teacher to apologize for coming in late I heard my name called suddenly from behind my back, I jolted looking back. It was Slughorn.

"You must be L/N, come on in dear, we were right about to start," he looked around to find an empty space next to one of the students, "Sit next to Mister Zabini, will you?"

"Yes, sir," I said hurriedly going up to Blaise to sit down with him.

I gave Blaise a small fist bump before sitting down. Zabini was one of the only wizards I was capable of tolerating. He was a great friend and a great partner in pranks. In year 5, we helped the Weasley twins organize Umbridge's, or "Umbitch's", O.W.L.'s exam disruption. The prank itself was historical. Ever since then, we found it obligatory to visit the Weasley twins' shop during the summer to buy supplies in order to be ready for any future Umbridges in the future. So far, nothing out of the ordinary happened, so we didn't talk much.

"L/N, how have you been?" Blaise asked me with a smile plastered on his face.

"Could be better," I answered "Did Slughorn say anything about what we have to do for today's class?"

"Apparently, we have to brew Draught of Living Death potion or something like that," Blaise replied "And well, he said whoever managed to make it would be given Liquid Luck potion."

"So much for a luck potion?" I quirked my eyebrow "What page is the recipe on?"

"Page 10," Blaise answered casually and went back to make his potion.

That was my sign to start my work, extra credit for trying wouldn't hurt, would it? Although Snape did say I am one of the more exceptional students in his Potions class, I don't think I would be able to make a potion even a 7th year can't make. So, I got settled near the Slytherins where there was a space left next to Malfoy.

Setting up the cauldron and taking the ingredients off the shelf Slughorn told me to get the things I needed, I started improvising. Never in my life have I had so much fun spending my precious time on a stupid potion I couldn't make, because a stupid bean-like ingredient wouldn't stay in its place. I got angry and aggressively hit the knife on the bean which, therefore, jumped straight into the bowl. That was too much for the potion, so it started boiling and fuming.

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