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It was the weekend so my friends and I collectively agreed to go to Hogsmeade to hang out and buy some necessities. Leila suggested the idea but I wasn't too fond of it at first. Too much was on my mind and helping Luna choose a tea from Madam Puddifoot's tea shop was the last thing I wanted to do. But considering the fact that I haven't spoken to any of them in weeks, I had to make up for it. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to relax from all the thinking I have been doing regarding Draco. After all, a man is temporary, but friends are for life. At least in my book that is.

"Hey Y/N," Luna asked tugging on my shirt, "Do you think my dad would like butterfly pea flower tea or the camellia sinensis?"

"I think whatever you get him will make him happy Loony," I smiled at her, "But personally I'd choose butterfly pea flower."

"Could have said that in the beginning," Luna shook her head asking Madam Puddifoot for a bag of the tea I told her I preferred.

Leila came back to us from browsing and threw her arm around Luna's shoulder, "That's a good choice, Lovegood. It's delicious with tea."

"Actually, it's tastier with honey," Luna answered looking into her paper bag with the tea.

"Whatever you say," Leila got off Luna's shoulder and shrugged, "Say, Y/N, what if we check out Hog's Head?"

"Isn't it like, close to the haunted house place?" I asked looking at Leila with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly," Leila pointed her finger at me, "There are no people there, hence we can have as much fun as we want."

"I'm cool with going there," Luna replied and we came out of the tea shop, "I suppose since there are two in favor, we should go."

"Alright then, I won't argue," I said raising my hands in surrender, "I love going to Hogsmeade with you two, it's so refreshing."

"Actually, it's so good to see you out in the broad daylight and not curled up in your bed reading something," Leila said shoving her hands into her pockets, "For the end of spring it's really cold, isn't it?"

"It's probably because of the amount of sadness and fear circulating in the wizarding world," Luna said dreamily.

"Huh?" me and Leila looked at each other and laughed at the poetic explanation Luna gave and headed together straight to the bar.

As we approached the bar the people on the street got fewer and fewer. But alas, all of us three filled the air up with the most fun and joy.

We entered Hog's Head and ordered a few drinks. As we were chatting and laughing about some events that took place the past few weeks, I noticed a similar blonde pass by the bar through the window and turn in the direction of the haunted house. Draco Malfoy was up to no good again. Snape following right after him was proof of that. As Leila and Luna were too busy arguing about if Neville's frog is cool or not, I excused myself and went up to the other window of the bar. Both figures gradually disappeared into the nearby forest. I had to hear what was going on, Draco was in trouble, and Snape following him mischievously was not an indication of good events following the current situation. So, I hurried back to our table.

"Sorry guys, it seems I forgot my wallet at the tea shop, wait for me here for 10 minutes I'll be right back," I said quickly, took my jacket, and stormed out of the bar into the nearby woods.

As I walked toward the woods, I could hear a silent shout from the direction Snape and Draco went to. So I started running into the forest and ended up scratching my cheek on one of the broken twigs on the trees. As I got closer to where voices could be heard, I slowed my footsteps hoping that they wouldn't know they were being followed by me. The last thing I want is to be thrown into this whole mess with Voldemort.

"I am asking you the thousandth time, Malfoy," I heard Snape say in a harsh tone, "Let me assist you and get the job done as fast as possible."

"And I am asking you to stay away from me you freak," Draco yelled in despair.

"Oh, how alike are you and your pathetic father," Snape said with a half-chuckle, "Both cowards yet act like the kings of this world. Truly saddening."

"I am nothing like my bird-brained father," Draco responded.

"Are you now?" Snape mocked, "Draco, you are terrified. You don't know what to do. Let alone you cry like a baby to me every time you cannot figure out what to do. You are so terrified of yourself that you can't stand looking in the mirror. You are so afraid you cannot sleep or leave that poor girl alone."

"What I have with Y/N is and should be the least of your conce-," Draco was cut off.

"Isn't that stupid brain of yours not able to comprehend how dangerous the Dark Lord is?" I heard Snape's voice become harsher, "If he were to find out about your L/N girlfriend, it would be over for both her and your family."

"I told you to stay out of my business, I know how to handle what's given to me, moreover my personal life," Draco snapped back, "Don't you understand that this assignment was given to me and me only? He chose me and didn't tell anyone to interfere, especially your long-nosed ass."

"I'm telling you, boy, if you won't stop seeing that girl and following her around you will get her killed," Snape sighed in frustration, "Believe me, I know how it feels like and don't want your scrawny self to be wounded for life."

Draco fell silent. I could feel he couldn't talk back because he knew Snape was right. Even though I knew he was right, I couldn't risk Voldemort finding out about me, he would use it against Draco somehow.

"I understand you know what I mean, Malfoy," Snape said with his cold, monotonous voice, "Now about your mission; Dumbledore won't be present at night in the school three days from now. Use it as an opportunity, go to the astronomy tower when the clock hits 12. Be careful not to get noticed."

I heard Snape's footsteps start moving toward my direction but he was stopped by Draco's voice.

"She knows," Draco whispered crying, "Snape, she knows who I am and I don't want to do this. I don't want her to leave me."

I covered my mouth in shock. How did he find out? How did he understand that I knew? Or was he talking about someone else? I took a step back which made a twig snatch in half. I looked in the direction where they were supposed to come from. The tips of my fingers got cold and my blood froze up. In utter fear with my heart beating as fast as it could. But nothing. Nobody came out of there.

"Did you tell her?" Snape asked slowly approaching back to Draco where I could see his figure through the trees.

"No, she found out herself I presume," Draco answered with his cold voice, "She is smart, Snape, she might even know about your betrayal."

"How do you know she knows?" the professor asked with concern filled in his voice.

"Sleep talking," Draco answered casually, "I hear her talk about all sorts of things when she sleeps."

"Did she tell anyone?" Snape asked confused.

"No," Draco said slowly, "I don't know why myself, though."

"Listen here carefully, Malfoy," I saw Snape say through the trees and put his hands on Draco's shoulders, "It doesn't concern me whether or not you will be able to protect her, whether you will get her killed or annihilated by your own stupidity and the Dark Lord is the least what I should worry about. But here is one piece of advice: do whatever you can and don't let her go. I know you are terrified."

Snape then proceeded to remove his hands from Draco's shoulders slowly. He took a last look at the terrified blonde boy in front of him. Then, he aggressively turned around, and disappear deep into the woods.

Alone stood Draco; looking down at his wand and thinking. I couldn't figure out what facial expression he had on his face. He then dropped, curled up, and hugged his knees.

And so, a muffled painful cry ringed in my ears. The realization hit me too.

We had three days left.


a/n: thank u sm for reading this far into the story. i finally decided on the story being 20 chapters so...not much left ig? congrats you made it to the 17th chapter. i will update on thursday or friday. stay safe, lysm <3

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