-sequel's prologue-

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"Dumbledore's dark secrets revealed, Rita Skeeter launches new book?" I read the Daily Prophet whispering, "What's this dimwitted joke of a woman writing?"

"Quiet down, Y/N," Luna hushed, "They might hear us."

"This is stupid," I sighed and looked out the window of Hogwarts express.

After Dumbledore's death, all of the magic world stood in shock knowing that the only truly powerful wizard was able to fight against the Dark Lord. The latter, now, was in control of the ministry, Hogwarts, and slowly was taking over the muggle world. The scariest part of it all? No one could or would do anything about it. Potter with his two friends was gone, Snape was now the principal of the school, all muggle-born students were now at huge risk, Death Eaters were calling all pure-blood families into their ranks as equals and the Trolley Lady was gone. All of us were in deep shit.

The cherry on top was the guilt I had to carry on my shoulders for letting Draco go and not warning anyone before the Death Eaters struck. As soon as we were woken up, we were informed about Death Eaters invading school via the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirements. This came across as shocking to me as Draco never said anything to me about Death Eaters coming to Hogwarts and destroying all of it in one go. This was infuriating to find out as I'd hope Draco wouldn't go to lengths such as inviting his cool buddy Death Shitters to Hogwarts. So, naturally, I sobbed in front of the whole house in Leila's arms for about an hour.

'There was another article about Snape being a new principle," Luna said, "So what if-"

"-a Death Eater is going to be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Leila finished her sentence with a disgusted tone.

"Well, they already have Hogwarts," I said shrugging, "Might as well turn the students into killing machines or kill them, am I right?"

Neville chimed in, "Then in that case that happens, we need to focus on how we are going to defend ourselves against them."

"Speak of the devil," I said and looked toward the wagon's door through which entered a black devilish figure. It seemed he was looking for something rather than someone as he was looking around hysterically pointing his gun everywhere. He was searching the wagons for Potter, wasn't he?

"Hey dimwit, he's not here," I said standing up with my hands crossed against my chest.

"And you are?" the man asked in a monotonous tone.

"Y/N L/N," I replied nonchalantly, "take a picture too."

The Death Eater turned around aggressively and stormed out of the wagon slamming the door behind him. From that gesture, I'd assume a punishment would be awaiting me at school, wouldn't it? I regret anything I said now.

"Are you out of your mind?" Luna shrieked, "Do you want yourself killed?"

"Y/N, you can't be lashing out on a Death Eater whenever you feel like it," Neville nodded as if agreeing with Luna.

"Well, what's the point?" I answered looking down at the necklace the blonde gifted me, "Given the fact that the train inspector was a Death Eater, it's not like we are not going to get tortured by another one at school, are we?"

The four of us went silent. All of the students now knew that the situation at hand was far more horrid than any of us could imagine. This year was going to be the death of me, but this time, quite literally.


As the students entered the Great Hall, we were escorted to our assigned tables sorted by houses by new members of staff, who were of course Death Eaters. The first years were sorted into their new houses like they always would by McGonagall, however, the only thing missing was the excitement it used to have. Even though we smiled and cheered for every student that was sorted into our house, I couldn't help but think how pitiful these kids were. They didn't even know what was awaiting them.

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