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The few days after Christmas before everyone came back passed by like a blur. Me and Draco haven't talked much, with the excuse of him being 'busy', although I think he was just avoiding me. No matter, because I managed to catch him in the hallways and ask him to go to Hogsmeade for butterbeer. We talked like we normally did, the difference was: it was awkward, because, well, of what happened on that night. Every time I remembered that night, I wanted to throw myself off the astronomy tower because I didn't get to tell him how I felt towards him: one of the main reasons why I think he didn't show as much.

Nevertheless, all the students came back and Draco-and-me-me-alone-time was over. If we hung out and walked around aimlessly in the castle during the Christmas break, now we only saw each other occasionally at 2 in the morning in the Slytherin common room. I secretly wished it would be different though.

At the moment, I was walking toward Potions when I saw Harry and Hermione going there as well. I decided to catch up with them and at least say hello.

"Hey, Granger, Christmas went well?" I asked cheerfully hanging on her shoulder.

"Y/N! Merry Christmas, sorry I didn't get to send an owl to you," Hermione replied smiling, "I was busy helping my parents around the house."

"It's okay," I nodded then looked at Harry, "What about you, Potter? Anything new?"

"Hm, no, none that I could think of," Harry replied staring down at the floor thinking about something.

"Is there something going on between you two? Because Hermione looks mad," I raised my eyebrows looking at Hermione.

"Nope, nothing-"Hermione stopped mid-sentence noticing Ron and his new girlfriend sitting together, "Excuse me, I have to go and vomit."

As Hermione said that, she rolled her eyes at the couple and hurried to class leaving me and Harry alone.

"Well, that certainly was shady," I said looking at Harry, "Do you mind me talking with you privately? I need to ask and tell you something."

"Sure, you have Potions, right? We'll talk on the way," Harry said and started moving forward, "So, what is it?"

I was hesitant about mixing Harry into this whole mess about Draco and Snape cooperating with each other and what-not. Although, he was the only one who was my age and seemed to know a lot about the insights of what was going on. I had questions and I needed answers to piece the puzzle together. Although, I did not want to find out anything.

"I talked to Hagrid about this, and well, I am going to ask you the same question," I whispered, "Is there something about a certain professor in this school that no one needs to know? Like, Snape for example."

Harry looked at me surprised then became serious, "get to the point, because I think I know what you are asking," he started, "But I won't be able to say anything out of some considerations."

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, I decided to speak up.

"Is Snape, you know, a Death Eater?" I finally asked.

The aura in Harry shifted as soon as I asked that question. It felt like he knew something about it but couldn't tell me anything.

"Well, I do know that he had some connections with Voldemort before," Harry answered looking skeptically at me, "However, I can't deny or confirm that."

I nodded in response, "Another question: are the Malfoy's connected with you know who too?"

"Well, I do know for a fact that Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater, for sure," Harry answered caressing his chin clearly thinking about the topic I brought up, "Why?"

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