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Dear dimwit, this is ferret.

You might be reading this a week after I had it delivered. I know it's been a while and you probably forgot that I even existed, but let's be real: who would forget this handsome face? I'm guessing you are smiling at this, got you!

I just wanted to let you know that I didn't kill Dumbledore like I promised, although, it really was devastating seeing Snape kill the man who trusted and gave him the most. The only thing he could do is not make the school a hell hole out of respect, however, from what I hear, things are very bad. I hope nothing happened to you. I swear if any of those Carrow idiots lay a finger on you I will personally decapitate them.

As for myself, I am not doing half as bad not counting the fact that the Dark Lord technically lives in my house. I am well and alive, so don't be worried.

Honestly, all I want is to talk to you; that would make me the happiest. I dream of seeing you again, however, given the situation, it's nearly impossible.

I hope you are still wearing the necklace I gave you. Don't forget me (as if you can).

I will have letters like this be delivered to you every week, so don't miss me much.

Good night.

As I finished figuring out Draco's handwriting, I sighed in relief. Draco was fine. That guy went silent on me for months and this is how he decides to show up? Even though you couldn't count it as showing up, more like letting you know that he is still alive. Even with letters, he has a way of making my whole day and putting a smile on my face. I was relieved to finally know that he hadn't given up on me just yet. Even if it was just a letter, it both calmed me and gave me closure on where we were standing.

I carefully put the letter on the sink and opened the brown book to see what it was about. I opened the first page to see the title of the book, but instead, there were dozens of what seemed like curses and spells neatly written one after another explaining what they did. I excitedly opened a few more pages and came across a chapter named 'Specified for Aurors'. As I was looking through a few of them I noticed that most of them were the ones I read about in the Restricted Section. Those spells were for completely killing the enemy by, for example, setting the enemy to fire or cutting them into tiny pieces.

The book was fascinating. With these spells, I could possibly defeat any Death Eater on my way. This was brilliant, however, could I bring this news to the club members? They did betray me after all and I couldn't simply come back to them crawling. My pride wouldn't simply allow me to.

Suddenly, I heard a loud knock on the bathroom door which made me jump in fear.

"L/N, hurry up," I heard Pansy's voice shout from the other side of the door.

"Wait a bit," I shouted back hurriedly hiding the letter and the book under a towel.

I took the towel and carefully unlocked the door. I apologetically looked at pansy and went to my bed. I carefully put the book and the letter in the bedside drawer making sure no one noticed and laid down. I was wondering about how that book got into Slughorn's hands in the first place and more importantly, how Draco made him give it to me. He must have had Snape mixed up in all of this, wouldn't he? But then again, it wouldn't make sense for him to give me a letter that contained information about Snape, would it? It would be far more logical to assume that Draco managed to give that letter to Slughorn himself, but how? An owl? Could be taken by the ministry for inspection. Then maybe the Vanishing Cabinet? Wouldn't make sense. In that case, Slughorn had to go to the Room of Requirements himself which he doesn't know where is.

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