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The next few days passed by quickly and we were nearing the quidditch tryout season, naturally, I signed up. Meanwhile, I have been spending more than enough time in the library with Luna doing Defense Against Dark Arts homework which was a lot. Well, it's fair to say that even if Snape changes posts, the amount of homework he assigns will never lessen. Fortunately, I was in class with Luna which made the classes pass by less boring than usual. Besides, she knew some things I didn't know from the 5th year when she joined the Dumbledore's Army. It was a privilege having a friend who knew a spell or two and could help you master them yourself.

I have gotten used to spending nights with Malfoy. As soon as everyone goes to sleep in the Slytherin house, we start doing all sorts of things. For example, two nights ago we ate some candies Malfoy had with him from the Hogwarts Express trolley lady. It was fun fooling around with the most feared student in Hogwarts eating candy that turned us into animals. But to say everything was going smoothly is a mistake. He still didn't acknowledge me as a decent human being and constantly teased me throughout the day. Say it is Potions class; he'd find a way to put unnecessary ingredients in my cauldron. Today wasn't an exception, he changed Hermione's hair in the Polyjuice potion with an elf's. Had to go to other classes looking like an elf for the rest of the day. To say I was mad was an understatement.

Fortunately, I calmed down and changed back to my original body and was now doing homework with Luna in the library. The librarian: Madam Pince, knew me relatively well and let us use the library even after sleep time. Having her like me and not hate me like every other student was a big plus on my school life list.

Luna was rambling on and on about some spells that we had to choose and do a research presentation for which bored me to bits. Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly use any spell needed, but doing research about it was too much work.

"I don't think choosing Bombardo as a research presentation spell would be fun, Snape wants a demonstration, so blowing up the classroom would mean taking out points for our houses." Luna said, "What do you think, Y/N?"

"Loony, I don't know what in the unicorn you are talking about, but I think it's time for sleep." I yawned and banged my head against the book I was reading "Besides, I don't even feel like doing anything, it's so exhausting."

"You do you, then," Luna replied casually "I found a spell I could demonstrate anyway, plus its 1 already."

"Okay then, I will go Loony, sweet dreams." I happily said and exited the library.

On the way back to the dorms I thought all about the things we could do with Malfoy today. Maybe even play chess, he did suggest it before so why not give it a shot. Might as well become victorious and avenge for today's wicked prank he pulled on me, who knows? Or, I could use that one spell Luna told me about today that makes people dance uncontrollably.

Knowing nobody was awake at that time I entered the common room with a triumph:

"Good evening, Draco Malfoy, I, tonight challenge you to a chess game!" then I looked around to see nobody there "Well, that's a bummer, I am the first one here."

Since I had to wait for Malfoy to arrive, I decided I would take out the chess board from the top of the fireplace. I put the board on the coffee table in front of the fireplace and opened it, placing each figure in its right place. Now, what was left to do, was hang around by myself until Malfoy showed up. I know he wouldn't ditch me because we planned on meeting today.

After 10 minutes or so, the dorm door opened, and walking in none other than Draco Malfoy. He didn't look so well though; he was pale with tired eyes as if he had seen a person rise from the dead. He proceeded to look around the common room until he spotted me looking at him and gesturing for him to come closer. And he did so: with a confused facial expression, he came up to me and sat next to me on the couch throwing his head back.

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