Chapter 35- Slow burn

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I had to get my baby right I couldn't let her ride around in a fucked up ass whip this was my girl we were talking about. I knew she was gonna try and stop me but I wasn't having that shit. So I took her shopping then we went back to my place and I gave her this dick again.

It's crazy everyone who's knows me know I've never been the type to settle down but after seeing that I almost lost her when she got shot I realized I wasn't gonna let her go. She's stuck with me and I'm stuck with her and I'm cool with that shit.

Yeah I know she can be shy and insecure sometimes but we finna break her out of that shit because when you're my girl you have to know your worth, and that's apart of the reason I took her shopping we got her a whole new wardrobe my baby about to be the flyest muthafucka walking around Pomona.

Lyric said she wanted to go out and do something so I decided to take her to eat then go see a movie because what my girl wants she's gonna get. My mama use to always tell me treat your bitches as such and girl like a queen and lyric definitely wasn't no bitch.

She's a queen shit she's my queen, I fuck with her vibe tough and I see her true self when she's not being shy and shit and I like what I see. She's head strong and intelligent she ain't no dumb bitch ready to open her legs for every nigga in Pomona I like that too.

So yeah she's mine now and I know I got some flaws shit she has them to but I'm definitely not gonna let that shit fuck up a good thing. I know I'm about to sound soft when I say this but the way she smiles, thinks and laughs all of that just makes me go crazy and I dont even mean in just a horny way.

I want to know more about her , her lifestyle, her family what she wants to be and achieve in life cause I know definitely it's not to stay in run down ass Pomona. Im sure she has dreams and aspirations and I'm going to make sure that she makes every last one of them happen because like I said


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